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Posted in Come chit Chat with me :D Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes ernya was my Home too iam still on caedon but my activity there is gone as well because i habe the feeling the items always get worse there :/ just one doll item how could this be? Do you had on ernya the same Username?
Posted in Come chit Chat with me :D Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: thats amazing! A good thing voltra did though! On other sites you just get 30 currency no matter how long the post is. Do you were on other sites as well?
Posted in Come chit Chat with me :D Posted 5 years ago
@Alethna: hehe than youre at the right place i hope :D did you buy something nice?? :))) iam watching my 600 pound life now.... its a Show wich leaves so many questions in my head.
Posted in Come chit Chat with me :D Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: really is it depending how many words you Post? I never think about that :O thats nice! So you still work in the fancy dress?

@Alethna: sorry i make you broke yes? XD
For me everything is going fine! How about you?

@Glume: yes you will be! You have times you just fell asleep everywere and than times will come you didnt sleep like2 nights and days straight because all the backpain xD
Posted in Come chit Chat with me :D Posted 5 years ago
@Glume: dont be, he is an early Bird but the 4am shift makes hin always feel Bad and exhausted! But as a sleepyhead i can totally understand the napping urges! In pregnancy it even get worse omg xD

@vengeance: yeees chatters!!! And i have a pending grade on a skinwalker atm! Nur i had no time to chats this weekend because we did to much wich was great :)
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: now at least a more comfy ones! XD we need a better matrace omg my back xD
A tip for you: if you take the pill.... never ever let it out because my midwife told me because i was ready for a baby it didnt need to take a month for my body to reduce the hormones. So i got preggo instantly xD
Posted in The best autumn since years! Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: circulation like blood pressure? XD if yes mine is always low too xD or you mean a fan? I wish i would habe a fan in summer! We wanted to buy one the one day..... they really were sold out omg xD 10am in summer in germany in a Bit city you nowere get a fuuuuu Fan xD
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: honey.... my bf and i were thinking exact the same. We had the same aims and thoughs like you guys!
we have a big renovation in my dads house atm iam happy if her room will be ready before she is coming to be honest. At first we just will buy her bed and buy a new bed for us, we want to sleep with her in her room the first months :)
Posted in The best autumn since years! Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: but without cold weather you dont need blankets or Hot Drinks! Iam Happy if i can stay at home if its cold and watch the weather from Inside! if i need to Go out iam freezing to death as well. But i hate the heat more though
Posted in Come chit Chat with me :D Posted 5 years ago
I need volts to pay some bills on voltra, plus iam bored because my bf is already Sleeping he need to get up at 4am!
Hows everybody i want chattys!
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: yes i though so too in the end iam 27 years old so why Not :) thank you and it really is scary because youre always worried! What do your so think about is he anxious being a parent too?
Posted in An undo button Posted 5 years ago
@Goblin: oh awesome! Updates are always great! :D this really would be helpful though!
Posted in An undo button Posted 5 years ago
@Goblin: yes i though so but its the closest we have :/
Posted in Storybook and the Never Ending Quest Posted 5 years ago
@Storybook: its okay i know this the last Test i made in may. It was positive so yes i habe expirience. Now i cant wait to get my little Girl! I already love her so much! But at first i cried like a day