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Posted in Well.... Posted 5 years ago
@Lufi: wha? How comes you dont have trains?? No they Seem just squished a little Bit :)
Posted in Well.... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: thats the reason why i say i could believe it if i See it
Posted in Well.... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: they want to because of the enviroment but i just can believe it if i See it!
Posted in Well.... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: this i think too but it was a school trip i think. In Germany they want to make 2 € for 150 km Tickets. I think you will never get a seat again after this xD
Posted in Well.... Posted 5 years ago
... i hate stuffed trains. Today i needet to protect my belly because a horde of kids try to escape the cabin. After that the teacher told me i dont need to be scared they dont will bite me.... after this stupid dude a woman sits down on my backpack (she didnt even ask me if i can move it she just sits down. I didnt even notice her because i was watching out of the Window..... why ppl need to be so rude i have fu**ing peaches in the Pack!
@Tsundererra: if i ever see something i will think about you! XD

Yes iam sure he will remember! :) Lilly ja diffrent seh is just always worried about me if iam in pain. Idk if she understands that she will be a big fur sister xD
Posted in Unicorns selling and buying Posted 5 years ago
@Unicorn: thank you! Sorry for the late reply!
@Tsundererra: maybe its because they need to behaive so strikt in there own country idk.... but iam lucky never had a chinese customer than!
yes it is just to adorable also if the baby feels his purrs she always runs wild and is dancing in my belly! ^-^my babies ^^
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
someone :D?
Posted in Unicorns selling and buying Posted 5 years ago
@Unicorn: may i offer 5k on the splish splash?
@Tsundererra: omg chinese tourists are absolut savages!!!!! wtf if i open an unopened item i buy it afterwards *facepalms* whats wrong chinese ppl?
yes mittens try to bond with my belly all the time luckily i dont may lift him anymore he is weighting over 12 pounds..... but he is not fat he is a giant little baby xD

i call this time mama & mittens time ^^
Posted in kairosama got boring so im buggaboy now Posted 5 years ago
@buggaboy: a yeah me too but because everyone using them atm and lean back and wait for using mine :D
@Tsundererra: i never dealt with chinese customers =O what they do??? and yeah japan is so much better in lots of things! ^^
nawww lilly prefers to sleep by my feet, mittens is the one who sleeps always on humans ^.^but both love to get carried around those lazy cats xD
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Colin: thank you for buying :D