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Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
@Nyuu: Well I'm visiting my best friend this weekend so I might vent to him if he'll let me
I usually don't like venting to friends because they have their own problems to attend to, but I let them vent to me so it kinda works out
Seems like a lot of millennials are in a state of depression D:

@Unicorn: That sounds scary D:
I hope everything will be alright and that you'll be safe
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Yep! But it's also a puzzle horror game so I'm already stuck in game two xD
I mean I love solving puzzles, but after 2 hours of being in an anxiety inducing atmosphere with nothing happening my nerves were high and I just quit and said I would cheat later lol
Just finished playing sims when I was supposed to be productive today, whoops :'D But I'm feeling slightly better than I did yesterday
Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: I hope so too D:

How have you been lately? I know I take a while to reply and I apologize for that
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: It's called Found Horror Game 11.exe
I ended up watching Mark play it and it caught my interest. It's 11 horror games that will get unlocked once the community finds some things within the game. So far games 1 through 3 have been unlocked and I finally managed to get the second ending in the first game.
I'm going to play the second game in broad daylight because I only watched Mark get the first ending for the first game. So everything in the second and third game are secrets and I'm not taking the chance :'D

I'm not really tired yet so I might go into sims and create my characters to play tomorrow ^^
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: I don't have a lot of items to play around with yet, but I still find a way ouob
Buuuut you seem to be having fun with the new items that's for sure xD

Ah! I got a new horror game, and it's 9pm on my end soooo I'm gonna give it a test run :'D
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Well you're in luck because I promised my possible third born to a friend of mines :'D
But she said no too xD

I'm gonna see what I can make with it!~
Time to try and get creative ^^
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Aaaaaah!!!! Thank you so much T_T
I owe you my third born child...whenever I have kids xD
No, but seriously, thank you!!~ TT_TT
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Whaaaat? It's not obvious at all xD

Oh! The only ones I want are Yes, Master
Serene Royalty
Show Stopper
Those are the ones that I listed in my quest thread ouob

Seems like a lot now that I've listed it like that xD
But if I had to pick a favorite it would be between Yes, Master, Quinn and Show Stopper :D
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: I can tell xD
I haven't gotten any of the new ones yet D:
I'm thinking about getting one once I get to 4k
At least then I'll have some volts left over, ya know? lol
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
@Lunakiri: Ah, don't worry about me. I'll just sit here and watch Markiplier's FNaF series and we'll see how I feel from there ^^
Talking to my partner and watching FNaF (Or sometimes SCP) usually cheers me up so it's what I do when I'm feeling like this

How have you been doing lately?
Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
@Nyuu: Have fun, but don't strain yourself D:

I've been okay, I guess. Went to a job fair yesterday but it wasn't the greatest and I got into an argument with my mom about my depression.
I was diagnosed with a slight case of depression, but I'm sure it's gotten worst since then. Luckily I'm going to the doctor on the 4th so I can get another evaluation. Mom thought the source of my depression was my step dad and he recently moved out cause they're getting a divorce. And while he was one of the reasons I'm depressed, there's still a lot of other things that's causing it too. So even though I'm diagnosed with depression my mom thinks I have no reason to be depressed.

I also told her that I suffer from anxiety and social anxiety and she said I'm just claiming that, but really, it's kinda obvious. I've been like that since middle school, but she either ignores it or is just really oblivious. My friends and Conor said I should get a therapist but mom said if I do get one I have to do my appointments "on my own time" meaning she would never take me to any therapy sessions because she doesn't think I need one.

So my depression kicked into full swing today and I really didn't want to do anything so I just played Project Diva and Overwatch all day. Usually I would get on my laptop around lunch time, but it's 6pm here and I'm finally getting on just so I can continue playing games because I got irritated with Overwatch.
Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Front page has been updated!
Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
@Nyuu: No problem! I can't wait to see the pixel :D

@Unicorn: The job fair didn't go so well D:
Luckily a temp agency was there and they have my resume so here's to hoping they can find me some kind of work

@Yixing: At least you have experience with skulls ouob
This was my first time ever drawing any kind of skull and I was nervous and it took 3 hours to draw @_@
But Habit came out fine so I'm okay with it xD I was going to work on him today, I generated some experimental color palette's for him, but my depression is kicking me in the butt right now. I didn't really do anything today except play Overwatch for 5 hours straight until I got irritated and decided to quit for...the rest of the week >>
I might work on him tomorrow. Right now I'm thinking about playing sims...
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Hey all! Finally popped back into this thread for the moment
Sorry for the poof, Lunakiri. I had the job fair which didn't go as well as I thought it would and depression is really kicking my butt right now D:

How's everyone been doing lately?