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Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Yeah I just went back to the light theme xD
Makes things a lot easier to read :'D
Maybe I'll just use the dark theme at night so it won't hurt my eyes or anything xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I hope you sleep well, Yuu ^^
I shall totally send you get well vibes ouob

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Thanks, Yuu ^^
It's not much but well, it has my favorite quote
I'm thinking of just changing the coloring to make it easier to read in the normal site layout
I had on the dark skin but a few replies were a little hard to read :'D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Yep! But the 60 diamonds only last for 30 days
You'll get them in the daily mission and your 260 will come in the mail
But since this will be your first purchase you'll get double the diamonds so you'll get 520 diamonds, along with the 60 diamonds for the month ouob

@Millet: Oh! That's really pretty :o
And also very bright considering I have the dark theme on xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Yixing: Exactly ;D
I'd be the best house on the block xD
Yep, that's what our mall is like, but we're thinking of stopping soon cause well my sister is 15 and I'm 25. Last Halloween she got some weird looks and I don't know if it's because she didn't have a costume or because she was 14 xD

My best friend is trying to get me a job at Gamestop because I hate retail work DX
I hated working at Target and I semi-hated working at party city only because it was around Halloween time and they sell costumes and people would come in ON HALLOWEEN ASKING FOR A HALLOWEEN COSTUME! WHO DOES THAT DX
Oh and I got really really sick and the manager still asked me to come into work and I was only able to go home when I almost threw up in the store >>
I also hate dealing with people in retail, but you's gamestop...I can work gamestop. Discounted games and all ;D

@Nyuu: That's good!
I really hope you feel better soon Yuu D:
Especially since the cold weather will be coming around soon ><

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: And I got my post style :'D
It took a bit and a lot of previewing, but I finally managed to get it to work xD
And I'm pretty satisfied with it and I feel only slightly accomplished xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Hehe it's no problem~

A monthly card is just a small one month card where you get 60 diamonds every day for 30 days
It comes with a purchase of 260 diamonds or more
It cost 4.99$ to buy 260 diamonds and you get the added benefit of a monthly card ouob

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I hope so too D:
Sadly it didn't come by today, so here's to hoping it comes by tomorrow
I hope you feel better soon Yuu D:
Drink lots of water, tea and maybe some orange juice ouob

@Yixing: No, you're totally right xD
If I had my own place or worked at the mall (because they do trick or treating at the local mall) I would totally give out full sized candy bars xD
I'd be the best person on the block :'D

Not too good D:
I've been looking for a job since I left my last job in October 2014 and haven't gotten anything yet ><
I'm close to giving up, but I'm trying my best not to TT_TT

And that's what grandmother's are for :'D
They're always ready to feed the grand kids xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Yixing: I wish D:
If I want a full candy bar I have to go out and get it myself >>
I'm hoping to get another seasonal job so I can just buy a huge bag of various candies for my sister and I in case we can't go trick or treating :'D

Also how goes the family trip? ^^

Too Rare to Die
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: Ah so you're always quick to see when someone's replied then ^^
Understandable, it is your thread :'D

Just don't tell anyone I'm procrastinating xD
It's a secret ;D

Too Rare to Die
Posted in Favorite Youtubers? Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

Gameplay wise I watch Markiplier, AaronSayWhat and 8-BitRyan all 3 of them are my favorite gamers
I also watch some horror and for that I turn to NightMind for explanations into horror series or SlappedHam (Weird name I know) for creepy countdown videos.

I used to watch Pewdie, but I stopped watching him when it felt like all the popularity was getting to his head. I think the last thing I watched by him was his gameplay of Babysitter Bloodbath and I still find it hilarious to this day. I go back to watch some of his older videos, but other than that I don't watch anymore.

Too Rare to Die
Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: Quicker than me at least
And more frequent :'D
But well that's only because I come here when I'm procrastinating on my story xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
@Nyuu: Sorry I'm replying late in this thread. I didn't see the notification for this one ^^;;

Ah, thanks Yuu!
I don't think I'll be changing my avi for some least until I get new items ;D

I'm thinking of making a posting style too, but I'm not that great when it comes to things like that...just gotta experiment I suppose :o
Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
@Nyuu: I'll try my best to help in anyway I can ouob

Well, I still have a few days on my monthly card, so I get 60 diamonds every day until the month is up. I think I have 30 days left
I still might use 5$ to get 260 diamonds, another monthly card and the Project 404 suit
Just kinda mad that one of the regular legendary suits uses diamonds to be completed. I only need to craft the last two pieces...but I need one piece in order to craft the other