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Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: It's no problem! I try my best with each new event and announcement that comes out if I feel it effects the game ^^
Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
New announcement and upcoming event on the front page.
Good luck in the next stamina event ouob
Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I will always try my best to resurrect you :D
It might be hard considering her recent nerfs, but I will totally try my best ouob
And if you see me switch from Mercy to Junkrat then I just got serious and I might destroy the enemy team xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I knooooow!
It's like we all live in the same country, can't we all share the same thing? D:
Ah well, maybe Conor has Milka Chocolate and then I can try it in Washington ouob

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: I had to get rid of my mat D:
The down arrow suddenly stopped working unless I slammed down on it
Luckily we live on the ground floor of our apartment so there was no worry of neighbors or anything like that, but you know, it's no fun when buttons on the mat stop working xD
Then the Just Dance series came out and my sister got me into that

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: If you ever get a PS4 one day and get Overwatch we should totally play together :D
I'll definitely be either an un-killable Mercy or a Junkrat, depends on the mood ^^
But for now I have to get my LoL to update so we can play ouob

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: If we do have it I've never seen it :o
It might be different from state to state because I know some things that I have here in Maryland, Conor doesn't have in Washington even though we both live in the US D:
It's really weird >>

@Unicorn: No problem. If you get the MRI I hope they find what's wrong
Ah I'm sorry to hear that D: Almost sounds like a curse or something o-o

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: Yesssss! I still love DDR to this day!
Sometimes I'll bring out my PS2 just to play it, but I need to invest in a better controller, but you's a PS2 xD
Not many gaming stores are selling old system controllers or games nowadays :'D

@Unicorn: Slenderman was...meh in my opinion. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good
Maybe a 7 out of a 10, but my mom and sister enjoyed it, so that's all that mattered to me ^^

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Unicorn: Ah! I'm sorry to hear that D:
I'm glad your knee is healing up, but maybe they should do a MRI scan or something to see if it's muscle related instead of bone D:
I've had weak knees for a long time and my doctor said it wasn't anything bone related, but doing the MRI revealed that my ligaments were weakened and I had a small cyst somewhere, but it wasn't big enough to need surgery so they just gave me physical therapy. Sadly I had to stop the therapy after 2 weeks because it was so expensive and my knees still hurt a lot when I walk or climb stairs

@Nyuu: Then I'll totally send you some candy from American :'D
We would just have to make a list of candies we have and compare them so we won't be sending each other candy that we can already get where we live xD
I'm totally going to see about turning that into a business ;D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: And Annie can be really deadly when she wants to be :'D
I'm what my friends call a Battle Mercy xD
Usually healers need someone to protect them, but then they see I'm on Mercy and they're just like 'Oh, she'll be fine, she can protect herself' and it's true xD
I'm a deadly healer ;D

Ah Yuu~ That pixel is adorable :D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: It's a mobile game called TapSonic I believe. I just recently deleted it to add another temporary game to my phone, but I plan on getting it back soon
I still have my PS2 :D then upgraded to the 3 and now the 4 xD
I was always into music and rhythm games so I always had DDR, Space Channel 5 and now I play Project Diva on the PS3 and PS4 :'D
But I do like some RPG games too, but like Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy ^^

@Unicorn: Looks like you might have to invest in a tractor soon :'D
Nah not the same movies. Mostly the more hype things like Avengers, Slenderman and Mission Impossible ^^

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: Ah that's understandable.
I've been playing video games since I was a kid back with the Sega Dreamcast, so like late 90's early 2000's and since then I've been gaming ^^;;
I'm not the greatest player, but that's only because I'm a sore loser, but I'm not a rage-type person either >>
At this point I just play to play and have fun now ^^

I don't have much mobile games though, other than love nikki and a music game on my phone
My phone refuses to let me have more than two games >>

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: No problem!
I'll try to hold back from Jinx and just be a healer so you can practice and whatnot ^^
I'm a pretty good Sona and Soraka as well :'D
I don't use many I like to get kills, but I'm a pretty deadly healer too xD
You should see me as Mercy in overwatch killing tank players XD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Well you can always check this thread for any news!
You know I'm always updating the front page and letting everyone know when a new event or anything happens in the game in general ^^

Too Rare to Die