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Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I would totally turn the whole sending snacks across states into a thing!~
Surely it can't be that bad :'D
I guess it would all depend on when the snacks get there and what condition it would be in D:

@Unicorn: Ah!~ that's really nice of you :D
I'm glad your knee is healing up though ^^
If you don't mind I'm curious what happened to it :o

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Unicorn: Ah! That does sound really fun! :D
I never heard of the steam and gas show though. It seems interesting and I'm kinda curious :o
Or that could be my interest in steampunk talking again ^^;;;
I'm glad you and your little unicorn enjoyed the show and had a lot of fun yesterday ^^

I just got back from the movies with my mom and sister. We've just been doing a lot of movie weekends this summer.
We had plans to go to our local amusement park, but plans change and we just been doing movies for a majority of the weekends ^^

@Lunakiri: I see you and Nyuu are talking about games ;D
Mind if I join in...I'm an avid gamer ^^;;

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I don't think they're all that great, but that just might be because I can get it whenever(?) xD
I don't know, I'm a lover of foreign foods :'D
If I have the option to pick something foreign to eat then I'm definitely going to take that chance xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Sadly it seems like a lot of stamina events are getting harder now a days
I'm still kinda mad that I wasn't able to complete a set from the last stamina event DX
Hopefully a new event won't come up for a while. We need a break to get stamina and diamonds back >3>

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I still love Annie, she's my second favorite :D
Of course~ Whenever I actually get the chance to update the game I'll definitely add you as a friend
I main Jinx though and I'll try my best to help anyway I can ouob

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I managed to get the first set myself, but I'm really trying to get some parts from the second suit
I like anything Cybernetic or Digital :'D
The stamina event is giving me a bit of a rough time too. I doubt I'll have the whole suit done before the 20th

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Ah! I miss playing League x_x
I haven't played in a few months, but my wifi is so slow that updates take forever. The next time I visit my brother I'm going to update it at his house
I miss playing Jinx, Thresh and Kindred T_T

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: I'm doing alright. Been fighting my wifi for the last 30 minutes but I think I managed to get it to work
It cooperated long enough for me to play four matches in Overwatch so that's good enough for me xD
About to get my hair done though and that's always fun :'D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: How are things going for you and the events? ^^
I hope you're enjoying your first hell-event :'D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Unicorn: Oh hey! I didn't expect to see you here ^^
Good luck with the knee~ Since you're taking good care of it, hopefully it'll heal soon :D

@Nyuu: Not if I send the soup in something air tight and non breakable xD
Same! I would totally send my friends American snacks, but they're not all that great xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

Evening everyone

@Lunakiri: Especially when you finish something while you're procrastinating on that something xD
But hey! It's done and now I can take a break and play videos games ;D
But mostly I'm just watching my sister play Fortnite out of boredom lol
How have things been for you lately?

@Unicorn: I apologize for the late reply again ^^
How are things?

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Ah! That's not good, Yuu Q_Q
I'm glad you're doing better, but I was really worried about you TT_TT
I apologize for the late reply, yesterday was a bit hectic and my wifi is being stupid again

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Unicorn: That's quite alright ^^
If you couldn't tell I'm not the fastest when it comes to responding either :'D

@Lunakiri: I finally finished that story ^^
I finished it while I was procrastinating, oddly enough xD
Just sent it to my friend and she said she enjoyed I'm gonna take a break from being creative and play the sims :'D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: It's really rare for us to get free items that's not a new skin color
But the necklace and bracelet are really cute :o

Too Rare to Die