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Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: If I could I would totally send you some ^^
Now if only you could ship food internationally xD
I'd send all my international friends snacks

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I hope everything is alright D:
I was a little worried when you never replied as I know you're a very active person

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

Front page has been updated again!
Head into the game to redeem two free items!

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Lunakiri: It's not that I don't wanna work on it, I'm like this with everything I write xD
Drawing is easier because if I don't finish a drawing in one day then I won't finish it at all. So sketching happens in one day, linework one day and coloring one day. Takes me 3 days to finish a whole picture :'D
Writing, however, takes me a month or two because I procrastinate which gives me time to think about what I want to happen in the story. So I procrastinate writing so I can have free time to think ;D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Unicorn: That's good, I hope it heals fast ^^
Ah, it's 2:16pm for me :o
Time zones are weird especially >>

Too Rare to Die

Posted in please lock Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I decided to keep the light theme on :'D
Makes things easier to read especially when it comes to people who have darker colors for their posting styles and stuff ^^

So how goes the pixel-ing :D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I hope you feel better soon, Yuu D:
If I was there I would totally treat you to some chicken noodle soup
I've been told I make the best :'D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: And it's been a long time since we've had a stamina event
Well I think the last one we had was right before the events going on right now, but the items were super hard to get
It was a stamina event where once you reached a certain amount of currency then you would get the item for the suit. The currency goals were so hard to achieve though making it almost impossible to complete all three suits within the time
I didn't even get to finish one suit x_x
So a stamina event like this one is actually refreshing ^^

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

Evening all!~
@Lunakiri: Ugh, I don't wanna get to work xD
I wanna stay here and procrastinate :'D
But fiiine, I'll be here procrastinating in one window and work on the story in another xD

@Unicorn: Although it's a little late, good afternoon to you too ^^
I hope all is going well :D

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Closing down. Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

Evening everyone! Sorry for the late replying again. I had company over ^^

@Lunakiri: I'm quite good at procrastination too :'D
In fact, I'm here to procrastinate again...but only for a few minutes
I have a story to finish and I promised a friend it would be done before the weekend xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

Updating the front page for the new event. This time it's a stamina event!

@Nyuu: I've probably spent 30$ total in Nikki :'D
Especially once Christmas came around and I had a lot of christmas money
I bought a bunch of diamonds and a 24 hour pack that came with a costume.
There was another pack I wanted to buy, but it's 15$ and I don't know if I want to commit to that @_@

Too Rare to Die

Posted in A Cosmic Quest Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@nyuu: Evening Yuu~
I hope you're feeling better today :D
Sorry for the late reply, I had a friend over today ^^

@Yixing: I will suffer from bad customers just for the discounted games and systems :'D
I hate customer service too, bu that's just because I hate dealing with people.
I still want to get better at drawing just so I can become a hermit and use art to pay for everything xD

Too Rare to Die

Posted in Cleaning my invo up Posted 7 years ago
@Zach: Sent the trade request ouob
Posted in Love Nikki players, gather around! Posted 7 years ago
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: Never hurts to buy diamonds at least once :D
Especially when the first purchase is 520 diamonds for 5$ ;D
But no pressure or anything. I usually don't spend money in games that I might drop eventually, but I think I'm going to stick with Nikki for a long time ^^

Too Rare to Die