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@Totalanimefan: I love my cousins though, they are more humble and they also like to express themselves. My aunt-in-law stopped talking to her own sister because she wasn't high standard enough like her. I hangout with her sister though, since my cousin always take me to visit her. They are so nice, unlike my uncle and his wife.
@Totalanimefan: They came to America years ago.
My family barely came here, and it's a lot harder now to become rich.
People are fighting for jobs and opportunities.
My family doesn't like to go to them for help, and I don't really talk to them because they are very judgemental about everything. They think the only way to live is to be high class like them, and you can't even express yourself to the world. I really don't like that. Just because you are rich, you don't have to treat other people like shits.
@Totalanimefan: My cousins are lucky though. They live in Berkley, pretty close to San F.
Their parents (my uncle) gave them their house and it's already paid off.

The parents are living in a million dollar house in Richmond, by themselves.
They make so much money from renting houses all over California.
@timeandtimor: It's not even late! You are in the first month of site opening.
You guys didn't tell me how many sets you guys hoarded. XD
@Totalanimefan: Even thought you guys get paid a lot, a lot of your money go to rent and stuff.
That's too much! D: We only pay like $750 for 4 bedroom house and 2 baths here....brand new house.
@Reanna: Oh yeah, ghost's art is really expensive. XD
I'm forcing myself not to spend my Ohms on current items. XD
Cedes is my tia (aunt) on Voltra. XD She made me that art on my profile.
I need to make 1 more k volts.
I don't think we are getting new items tonight, Fozzy is not online and Baz is off too.
Houses are too expensive in the Bay~ especially San Fran...can go for millions.
Did you guys noticed that FuuChan is not staff anymore?
I just need to win the Lottery, you guys.