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@Vig: yeah, you have been gone lol
@Peony: I’m drawing names from almost everyone who been posting in my charity, so not really page 1,000 alone.
@Neko: you are awesome.
Since I’m gonna be opening new crates lmao
Do you guys mind if I announce the winners for page 1,000 tomorrow? :) I want to be able to throw in some sweet cakes.
People are lost right now.
I don’t think it’s by popular lol
I don’t get why this charity is not a featured thread
@timeandtimor: I have a price guide in the exchange.
I will set more goals when I get home
Save me. I wanna go home and celebrate.
Work is so boring.
I’m at work still, two more hours.
You guys did great! When I go home, I will be picking a bunch of winners to receive other items too. The grand prize winner will of course win alpha set and this month set.
You guys have like more than 6 hours left!