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OMG! I love Unicorn, I believe in Unicorn. XD
@Totalanimefan: Yeah Cupertino, but San Fransisco is known for their tech. XD
A lot of Tech Savvy people work in the bay.
If we have Panda items I will die...
I just want more gold and pink option and blue :D
@Totalanimefan: Your husband is lucky to be working for Apple in San Fransisco!~
That's like their main place.
@Reanna: Yeah, like more colors for special items. :D
They also plan on doing color potions in the future,
so you can color your items any color you want.

@timeandtimor: Welcome to the site ^^
I can't wait for the post formatting in the update :D
I don't really care for too much colors,
I know it will be a pain for the staff to upload all the colors to the shop.

@timeandtimor: Did you just join the site?
I'm sure they will add more later.
I know, we are all twins.
Hopefully we have more color options for the new items.
Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots! Posted 7 years ago
Me too, I'm like refreshing so often.
I want new now.