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What a horrible owner...I had some inside info on the server cost and stuff...

Wow, the pixel on Syndrone is nice!
We need to post a lot to get more volts.
I will just chat without pinging lmao I can't do this. XD
I have to add more page prizes after page 1,000.
Fork closed down Elidiun and Chloria. D;
So many people pinging me. :vanora_sweat:
@vengeance: Lmao~ I know him, I used to work under him as admin. XD
That's why I wasn't active on Syndrone,...I know it was going to go down.
@Shark: someone is still paying for the server cost. XD
Sorry if I missed anyone, it's hard to quote everyone. XD
@XoGIZMOoX: You haven't been posting lately.
@Lithinel: We also have amazing artists on here :3
I don't even know people still want items on Gaia XD
I signed up for Syndrone, but I already knew it would go downhill. XD
@Lithinel: I'm sure they will, it's a really big site.