Shadami's posts
Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35!
Posted 4 years ago

one of the other users is yourself xD
@Purpsy: @chiffonorange: aren't we just a bunch of adorable cuties <3

Posted in Buying and Selling partially Updated 11/7/20
Posted 4 years ago

these removed from the front page and put in a trade
@Alicethemadhatter: Whenever you're ready to put the volts in ^-^

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

i only know for sure of the one that was marked Police in bright green... which i think is the nations vehicles and not the towns?? I think.
but even more vehicles have been going by and they're all going so fast I can't get a good look at any of them.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

It has to be something big cause this town is crazy about community and would never fly by like that in a normal circumstances.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Oh Jesus... I'm on a 30 mph road and another one fire chief I think just sped past had to be going 60 at least. Absolute blur speeding past the house.
Also my toddler is bouncing her butt on the wall for absolutely no reason and I am very confused.

Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35!
Posted 4 years ago

@Wildfire: I mean not all of them xD but I have been drawing a bunch yes xD

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Geez something big must have just happened. 3 unmarked emergency vehicles just sped past my house with a police truck

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

There is countertop dishwashers?!?

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah. Thank God for my parents. Seriously. I was calling them almost every week in tears for the last two years. So they decided to buy a retirement home five years ahead of schedule and put me and my family in it because I was absolutely losing my mind and reason to live in the horrible situation we were in.
I feel so blessed and thankful for my parents t.t I'm gonna be driven up a wall when they move in in five years xD but thank God for my parents.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Is it a house you can make room for a dishwasher in with remodeling?

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@Wildfire: thin crust has to be a good thin crust though. Not the cracker crap some people claim is thin crust and may be why people opt for thicker crust. Cause that is what they've experienced as thing crust. Looking at you pizza hut!!! (I love lots of your pizzas though xD just not the thin crust)

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I have a dishwasher finally. My dad went "you're the only one doing dishes for five people? The second you're sick or deal with other responsibilities the dishes pile up cause no one else does them? I'm buying you a dishwasher." So he did and installed it. And now I only need to do some dishes by hand because they aren't dishwasher safe. But finally. Finally t.t I can keep up with dishes and not feeling like murdering myself when I see the dish pile.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@Wildfire: and usually huuuuuge so you can fold the slice in half and go on nom nom cause all the grease collects in the center and that's why it's thing crust so you can fold it in half and it's almost like a calzone but just a really big slice of pizza and soooooo good

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I moved end of september and i'm getting my HOUSE (ahhhhhhhhhhhhh <3) Cleaned and organized and set up. Everything is going to have a place finally and the kids are mostly keeping up on not just dropping stuff on the floor and saying mommy pick that up. If it has a place they actually deal with it t.t and it's so nice.
but exhausted. bed. Night all