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Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

I have no idea :D

@Wildfire: this is where i'm at right now.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

Thank you. ^-^ I'm hoping to get some art done now while I shat.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

i'm back again. Finallllly sitting at my computer and watching drawtectives xD

You're welcome ^^

I've got the sketch all laid out with some basic shading. I just need to clean it up and add colors ... Or just turn it in as is xD i get to carried away with things.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

I always use a timer when baking and cooking but I usually catch the timer when it does go off or my Google home keeps screaming the alarm at me.

@0v7: You're welcome. I hope it works out for you!

@Shadami: Thank you. I hope it doesn't turn out to be too much of an issue - there's a LOT of information on that computer that I need access to!
Reaper ghosties? Which contest? Whaaaaa???

@Purpsy: The Journey through the strange lands or whatever it's called? I'm not sure about entering that one either. It really depends on whether or not I find time to do it and with my computer just dying and other things that must be done...

@another movie addict: Hey

@Koah: Hi there - how are you today?

I got sucked in to a rabbit hole. Oops

the art contest. Purpsy, Lina, chiffonorange and I were dressed as ghost reapers and I've been working on an art piece and figure it works for my art contest entry

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

The older two are watching pokemon and I'm planning to start a voltramon Thead at some point and make fake pokemon based on things volties say xD

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

My baby is so mad at me. She is exhausted and getting into everything she's not allowed to and being over dramatic about being told no. She skipped her morning and afternoon nap

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

I just got here and had no idea there was a bonus art prize xD

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

Get art of your Avi ^^

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

I love art xD

I need to get to the computer as soon as I'm done with chores so I can work on my own art

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

I don't have a favorite food per se. I like potato things. Mashed potatoes , baked potatoes, fries, potato chips, twice baked potatoes, potato stew, scalloped potatoes.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle Posted 4 years ago

Oh my gosh. This long chore day is killing me.