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x'D Well hello there..

Yes Im also trying my best to get more laterns, not easy as I quickly feel I just sit and spam or writr unneccesary stuff or stuff that makes no sense ( which is very much more likely for the next 10 days while I'm stuck here with my father, a loud television and from tueesday also with 2 nieces and other family members around here so it gets super lively but also super noisy 8'D
I look forward till I can be able to afford a ish/item thingy thang at least T_T
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Aah, thank you for explaining it to me 8D drawin everyone did sound like a picture that could quickly get super crowded

[ post 2 ]
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 6 years ago
Just to get this right..? I have to draw EVERYONE that have been commenting on this thread? * wonders how I can fit them all in together * ^^;

Also I'm not too sure how the entire roll-a-die thing works.. ^^;

[Post 1 ]
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
12 Laterns and welp battling to get more lol
This looks like a fun little challenge, will try it out, but when it is a bit more calm around me so I can ocus better ^^,'
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
6 Laterns
Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish Posted 6 years ago

Hope I'm not too late for this

Berinhard crushed the mask under his foot
Oooh his is a perfect timing for where I am right now.. at least for some parts.. the diffferent colored leaves will be very hard to find x'D
But I will most likely go to a market tomorrow, right by the beach. So at least that will be down if I can igur eout a way to incoperate my name ( writing it on a finger could possible be a solution but I fear it would be smudged by the time I have passed the horses or lifted things for my dad ^^; ) 8D
Posted in Post your Rants Posted 6 years ago
Minor rant over that fact that they are changing the asphalt on my road, they are currently on a break but before that it shook the entire apartment, and it is hot right now, would love to open my window, but opening it would mean that the entire apartmnt very quickly would smell of asphalt.. No thre were no warnings to us living here about it beforehand, they started on it yesterday. So I just gotta suffer till it becomes night. Hopefully I can get some proper sleep tonight and get out of the road before they start tomorrow, but I honesly have my doubts that I will, as I am currently in the process of getting out of some medicine, that I have to take at specific hours.

At least I can pick up my bike from repair tomorrow.. which I also could yesterday but the price for it changed since I last had a bikes wheel fixed, which meant I cant afford it untill I get money tomorrow.

Oh seems their break is over.. X_X''

Not sure how or where people find those flags... google them or are they n this page somewhere?.... so yea ^^;
This may make me sound super old, but when I was a teenager I kept getting crushes on women, so when I was 17 I decied to get out of the closet to my younger sister ( who handled it pretty well ) and later my parents as lesbian. My father ( who is the oldest, from 1950 ) was fully accepting for it, " You can be with a man or a woman or something in between, I dont care about their religion nor their skincolor, as long they make you happy. " was what he told me, completely relaxed. While my mother just started crying. It followed up with some years where she tried to get her friends, or friends of her friends to date me, all in the fight to try and become a grandmother, as all of those women were mothers already.. >>;; No need to say that it didn't really work out and kinda made me take a distance to her.

But over the years that have past I have realized that I most likely are pansexual. For me gender doesnt matter. It is more how I feel around them. I need to feel safe and happy around them before the attration really happens. Though I never understood people who got celebrity crushes, I can still think : hey he/she/they /sin are cute/pretty. But it wont equal that I find myself as a potential partner to them.

Coming out as pan to my siblings and parents, and try to explain to them what that is, is not something I have done.

I also have a foster parent, that I have not come out to, as I fear how she will take it, as she and her family is rather religious.

As for gender.. I guess I am genderfluid, or agender.. Honestly not entirely sure. But I never felt entirely happy being a woman nor as a man so what I wear and from which store or section I buy my clothes, really depend on how I feel that day.. I cannot see myself as a feminine female, nor as a male... That is just confusing to me... As to what I be called, him/her/they/sin.. I honestly dont care that much
Posted in Calling all Europeans! Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: Seems pretty fitting indeed
Posted in Calling all Europeans! Posted 6 years ago
Phew. It was hard getting out of bed and go study before the voting, but I did put my 'x'. :3 ( while wearing my ' just do it' t-shirt. Found it fitting for today ;)
Posted in Calling all Europeans! Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: its sickening. He and his party is all about " send refugees back to where they came from. I dont care if they have war, its their own problem "
Our voting will first be sunday, the one after that is * opens the newly rechieved call-in thing * the 5th June ( lol for hitting the date of my mothers bday )
Posted in Calling all Europeans! Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: A very new party, who's leader is a giant racist and provocateur. It is so bad that he have 60 cops around him everytime he is out in public, as well as he must not drive his car himself anymore. A lot of people see him as a nazist, but the history experts that have talked about him in the media is all " He doesnt show the same typical signs as a nazist."
Yet the security leader have said that since he and his party started showing ans got enough people to sign so he can join the election, that the chances for terror has risen, and that the leader most likely will be needing cop protection for the rest of his life.

I personally can just not stand him nor what his party stands for.