Teatales's posts
Posted in whew boy I'm from Gaia and I have no idea what I'm doing
Posted 6 years ago
Welcome to Voltra.
Wow I feel old for having to ask this question but what does CB stand for? ChatBox? Code-something
I also used to be a lurker on gaia then everything changed and I got nuts from all thedaily notifications leaving me to find other places to hang out and lurk.. Voltra being one of the places ;)
If you have any questions about Voltra dont be afraid to ask, people are prety helpful here. :)
Wow I feel old for having to ask this question but what does CB stand for? ChatBox? Code-something
I also used to be a lurker on gaia then everything changed and I got nuts from all thedaily notifications leaving me to find other places to hang out and lurk.. Voltra being one of the places ;)
If you have any questions about Voltra dont be afraid to ask, people are prety helpful here. :)
Posted in Yall I still have unwanted items!!
Posted 6 years ago
I have a very little knowledge of what items are named what so I will probably be sending you some photos of those I'm interested in sometime tomorrow ^^;
Posted in The Surge: January Crates and The Undercurrent!?
Posted 6 years ago
Lol I already spent all my bells today * not taking any chances *
Posted in The Surge: January Crates and The Undercurrent!?
Posted 6 years ago
asdfhj * cant contain self * those monthlies! ;u;
Also yay for some en garde action!
Also yay for some en garde action!
Posted in How long have you been a voltie
Posted 6 years ago
@TeaTales: yougo to larp event, right? So you must like that.
We’ll carry on
@TeaTales: yougo to larp event, right? So you must like that.
yeah I do some LARPing but I feel that I am still way to much of a LARP n00b to be abl to join in on the talk of LARPing with others. And cosplay ( but havent made any costumes or been at conventions for a long time... we talk years here nd no do not have photos of costumes either, nor have I kept up to date with animes or mangas or games... )
Posted in How long have you been a voltie
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: yeah they say that but I dont find that I have any specific thing I like.
Posted in How long have you been a voltie
Posted 6 years ago
@Q t e a p o n: Nops, cause I barely ever have anything I want to talk about . Too used to being by myself and not really having subjects to talk with people about . Not sure if its some common asperger thing or not..
Posted in How long have you been a voltie
Posted 6 years ago
@Q t e a p o n: same, but I find it so rare that I have something relevant to add to a topic. so often I'm just lurking when I'm not being an obvious nuisance an awkward annoyance in the forum ^^;;
Posted in How long have you been a voltie
Posted 6 years ago
If I remember correct I joined Voltra in september '17
Also am on Gaia, but honestly cant remember my name login... Probably something starting with Ka... or Ze... x'D Never really was active in there. *forever lurker *
Also am on Gaia, but honestly cant remember my name login... Probably something starting with Ka... or Ze... x'D Never really was active in there. *forever lurker *
Posted in Help me pick a name!
Posted 6 years ago
AArgh I wish I had a pet ( not allowed to have pets of any kind in my apartment OTL )... The best I would be sharing would be a photo of my fathers fish~
As I cannot get back to my apartment in time to take photos of my 'wild pet spider' as I call it, basically just a wild spider that found its way into my apartment... xDD not the most 'cute' or 'interesting' 'pet'
I'll try to think of a name for the kitty though.
As I cannot get back to my apartment in time to take photos of my 'wild pet spider' as I call it, basically just a wild spider that found its way into my apartment... xDD not the most 'cute' or 'interesting' 'pet'
I'll try to think of a name for the kitty though.
Posted in Ribbons of Rebirth!
Posted 6 years ago
Advent decoration, such as what- you have me curious.
Pretty neat the building you mentioned extending the celebration the entirety of the week, I presume that's to accommodate
the many children who stayed there? I love the shoe thing, that sounds clever though I'd never want food in my shoes.
They get uh..not so pleasant after a day on my feet. heh.
Advent decoration, such as what- you have me curious.
Pretty neat the building you mentioned extending the celebration the entirety of the week, I presume that's to accommodate
the many children who stayed there? I love the shoe thing, that sounds clever though I'd never want food in my shoes.
They get uh..not so pleasant after a day on my feet. heh.
advent decoration as in a little naturefilled decoration often on clay, with candles... there are the 'juledekoration' with a calendar candle that have numbers counting up till 24th of December so you burn a number for every day ( * shamelessly takes a photo from google * https://gyazo.com/4c5145ae7a0639f04f5e3b3b77e0e54f <- example )
The other type of advent decoration is the ' light a candle every sunday till christmas' variant and is most often seen in churches and educations. the classic example being this ( another shameless photo from google https://gyazo.com/cb27b623a792c0c9e541b2c34301a90e ) xD
And yes it was pretty neat of them. Though we were not THAT many children.
And I understand with the shoe. It was not outdoor shoes, but mostly bathsandals or the kind of fuzzy warm indoor shoes you can get. Sometimes we also just used a sock in front of the door.
( If the links do not work you can google 'juledekoration' and ' adventskrans' )
Posted in ☆⌒ Christmas Rainbows: GET YOUR FESTIVE LITTLE BUTTS IN HERE ⌒☆*:・゚
Posted 6 years ago
Yeah sun havent really been a thing this december here either... Our first day with sun was 12th december... and that was only sun for 1 hour... apart from that there have been 2 more sunny days, this one included. but sun out also = cold out...
My dad got curtains n all his windows but the kitchen window... It sitting too stupid..
da**... Just remembered I should have been down in my parents local secondhand store... but its too late as the store litterally just closed *facepalms *
My dad got curtains n all his windows but the kitchen window... It sitting too stupid..
da**... Just remembered I should have been down in my parents local secondhand store... but its too late as the store litterally just closed *facepalms *
Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
and last deer-quoting.. * beginning to fear I might have broke ome rules because of all this quoting *
Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
sucha welcomy lil one