Teatales's posts
Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago

curte deer not intruder <3

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago

hope this count..

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago

Elves and santa be rocking till the x-mas tree arrives... and a bit more than that

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago

I wonder what happened to her...
whoops forgot all bout this 
We’ll carry on

I wonder what happened to her...

Posted in ☆⌒ Christmas Rainbows: GET YOUR FESTIVE LITTLE BUTTS IN HERE ⌒☆*:・゚
Posted 6 years ago
I'll join teeam not like cheesecake... though I tbh have only tied cheesecake once. xD * finds somewhere comfortable to sit while wishing the window had curtains so I wouldnt have to be blinded by the sun *

Posted in ☆⌒ Christmas Rainbows: GET YOUR FESTIVE LITTLE BUTTS IN HERE ⌒☆*:・゚
Posted 6 years ago
Not so much AMA, just woke up from a nap after my father had a cleaning lady by at way-early-in-the-morning

Posted in ☆⌒ Christmas Rainbows: GET YOUR FESTIVE LITTLE BUTTS IN HERE ⌒☆*:・゚
Posted 6 years ago
@star2000shadow: hiya... I like your avatar~ just thougth of messing around with the wings too xD

Posted in The Obligatory What Did You Get For Christmas Thread
Posted 6 years ago
breadboxes ( Only wished for one but my sister bought one of those 'we-put-a-smaller-one-inside-the-larger-one ' boxes. So I think I will use the larger box for my LARP makeup and sfx stuff )
A set of ladles, and money that a tiny bit of will go to a suit ( if its still on sale ) while the rest will go directly to my upsavings for a new apartment.
A set of ladles, and money that a tiny bit of will go to a suit ( if its still on sale ) while the rest will go directly to my upsavings for a new apartment.

Posted in Carol of the Bells! (FAQ & Lore)
Posted 6 years ago
@Matcha: community dicussions I alwys miss because of dreaded timezones ( voltras 6 pm = my 3 am )
but should I take that [12/21] = December 21 or...? * just remembered that some countries write month before the daynumber *
*goes to google wth peruse means *
but should I take that [12/21] = December 21 or...? * just remembered that some countries write month before the daynumber *
*goes to google wth peruse means *

Posted in Carol of the Bells! (FAQ & Lore)
Posted 6 years ago
Not to sound sour, but the only anoncement of a event I have noticed at all have been '' Vals holiday surprise '' in the surge wher tat is mentioned at the start of this month, it also mentions, and I quote here: '' Coming Soon!
Common Surge [12/15]
Winter Event
And by there standing '' coming soon '' I was 100% cnvinced that the info on the event would come up and be updated into that surge whenever the evet was ready. Though I have asbolutely NOT IDEA what is up with the [12/15] thing.
Though it did mention in th end of that announcement/surge that '' PSA: This is not our planned winter event, more to come later this month!
'' again making me believe that the event would get edited into that surge or get an anouncement for itself.
As there were no update by the 15th I thought you had completly dropped the event.
But I guess its just me being too stupid ( despite the yearly IQ tests at psyciatrists saying otherwise )
though I know some of my voltra stupidity at least must come from me always reading Surge as being some sort of natural disaster like a tsunami...
Anyway have some happy holidays. I love that we get to see some lore in the event.
Not to sound sour, but the only anoncement of a event I have noticed at all have been '' Vals holiday surprise '' in the surge wher tat is mentioned at the start of this month, it also mentions, and I quote here: '' Coming Soon!
Common Surge [12/15]
Winter Event
And by there standing '' coming soon '' I was 100% cnvinced that the info on the event would come up and be updated into that surge whenever the evet was ready. Though I have asbolutely NOT IDEA what is up with the [12/15] thing.
Though it did mention in th end of that announcement/surge that '' PSA: This is not our planned winter event, more to come later this month!
'' again making me believe that the event would get edited into that surge or get an anouncement for itself.
As there were no update by the 15th I thought you had completly dropped the event.
But I guess its just me being too stupid ( despite the yearly IQ tests at psyciatrists saying otherwise )
though I know some of my voltra stupidity at least must come from me always reading Surge as being some sort of natural disaster like a tsunami...
Anyway have some happy holidays. I love that we get to see some lore in the event.

Posted in ☆⌒ Christmas Rainbows: GET YOUR FESTIVE LITTLE BUTTS IN HERE ⌒☆*:・゚
Posted 6 years ago
@Kozi: Nah not too bad I assume ( 100 mg of Iron ) in 4 hours I gotta take the most nasty and quick tasting pill of all the pills I take daily; small and amost neon yellow colored.. Folacid. because y body ave stopped figuring out how to produce blood on its own ( will have to go trough a leucemia test next year as the doctor suspected I might have it )
the worst tasting pills I've had 'recently' that I remember was tiny blue blood thinning pills. you definitly had to be quick swallowing those.
the worst tasting pills I've had 'recently' that I remember was tiny blue blood thinning pills. you definitly had to be quick swallowing those.

Posted in How VK Ruined Solstice
Posted 6 years ago
@Vregory: I'd say to pick the middle one. but just to be sure; before drinking it, smell it as you open it. It is easy to distinguish between the smells of what is and isnt cola.. Else you can take a good look on the contents of the bottles; are there 'mud' pooling at the bottom or swrirling around in it then it is definitly not the refreshing drink.

Posted in ☆⌒ Christmas Rainbows: GET YOUR FESTIVE LITTLE BUTTS IN HERE ⌒☆*:・゚
Posted 6 years ago
@Kozi: When I cant find confetti in the emojis I must add glitter ;) * slightly distracted from art atm as I can suddenly taste the taste from the pill I swallowed 45 minutes ago.. stupid trolling medicine *

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
whoops just realized I had quoted that one, my bad ^^;