Teatales's posts
Posted in Craft Scraps
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: I wouldnt mind get some ;u; just enough to have 70 scraps, then I should have enouh to make an entire set if my number-blindness doesnt play tricks on me ^^;;;

Posted in Craft Scraps
Posted 6 years ago
*glars towards my 44 scraps * yeah.. definily not drowning.. still havent gottten one item from the thingy thang xDD Im just terrible at posting or figuring out something to say that makes sense and aint just spam. ^^;;;

Posted in Your favourite Yuletide foods?
Posted 6 years ago
@Luffer Nutter: this basic white scandinavian bitch envys you guys who can get pumpkin spice stuff.. I'm SO curious as to how it taste ( same goes for pumpkin pie... never tasted either and never saw any of them in stores )

Posted in Your favourite Yuletide foods?
Posted 6 years ago
christmas cookies such as: jødekager, vanillekranse, brunkager.. peppernuts ( pebernødder ) I can also take in limited quality.. I prefer the cookies to be homemade but got two things against me this year; my weak wrists after the strokes I had 3 years ago, and a oven/stove that makes my apartments electricity go out when using the stove/oven..
I also like Klejner, but as with peppernuts, only in very limited quality and NOT fried in animal fat or the like.
I also have a fondness for Pågen gifflar with peberkage taste ( translated to gingerbread taste on the pack, but honestly the taste is very muh different from gingerbread ) unfortunately it seems to be quite the hunt to find those gifflar this year. at least I have yet to find them in my town.
as for the julefood itself I like ricepudding, though my stomac does´nt always agree with me there ^^;;
I also like Klejner, but as with peppernuts, only in very limited quality and NOT fried in animal fat or the like.
I also have a fondness for Pågen gifflar with peberkage taste ( translated to gingerbread taste on the pack, but honestly the taste is very muh different from gingerbread ) unfortunately it seems to be quite the hunt to find those gifflar this year. at least I have yet to find them in my town.
as for the julefood itself I like ricepudding, though my stomac does´nt always agree with me there ^^;;

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago
ca always be bought online. gifflar is scandinavian ( swedish produced if I recall ).. heard they also sell it in germany..
brunkager I know can be bought online not sure if they are only produced in denmark ... one thing I know are only-danish x-mas threat is honeyhearts ( honninghjerter )the very old story goes about a baker who dropped honey in the cakebatter by accident, so to cover up the accident and not waste the batter or the ingredients the baker dipped the cakes in chocolate and sold them anyway with great success.
brunkager I know can be bought online not sure if they are only produced in denmark ... one thing I know are only-danish x-mas threat is honeyhearts ( honninghjerter )the very old story goes about a baker who dropped honey in the cakebatter by accident, so to cover up the accident and not waste the batter or the ingredients the baker dipped the cakes in chocolate and sold them anyway with great success.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: a quick google should quickly give you photos of them ;)

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: giflar are some sort of soft cinnamonbuns, it can also be gotten with some vanillafilling, and during x-mas some very few places with gingercookie/cake filling... or as we cal it here in Denmark: peberkage browncookies is an other delicious x-mas cookie here in Denmark: spices mixed into a batter with almonds and sliced into thin slices that are baked in danish its called brunkager litterally meaning browncakes

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 6 years ago
*grumbily curls up with my fluffiest blankets, a big cup of hot chocolate and a couple bags with x-mas giflar 'n browncookies *

Posted in Val's Holiday Surprise!
Posted 6 years ago
@lilypoo: thanks a lot! * bookmarks so I can find it again * 8'D

Posted in Val's Holiday Surprise!
Posted 6 years ago
@rallaa: Aah more stuff I wont be able to afford/get * stares at pile of bills * but thanks for confirming my suspicions... I recall there eing a list somewhere where you can see the new special items and such, but I cant seem to find it ( or the one I found werer an old unupdtated one so removed it from my booksarks ^^; )

Posted in Val's Holiday Surprise!
Posted 6 years ago
lol I have yet to figure out where ou even get the tree from.... those 'energyballs' as i call them as i keep forgeting their real name ..? xD

Posted in Val's Holiday Surprise!
Posted 6 years ago
@Kid: I know and that is exactly the same struggl I got as I barely ever know where to write or what to write as I dont ffeel I can ome with anything good to say in most convos ^^;
@Raxton: from the one I wrote just then I got 2 scraps
@Raxton: from the one I wrote just then I got 2 scraps

Posted in Val's Holiday Surprise!
Posted 6 years ago
@Kid: oh boy how I know the feeling. ^^;;;;; I also highly doubt I'll be able to get anything without feeling like a sor loser or spammer for writing nonsense or something just for getting scraps so I can get the the materials for making the items
@Raxton: 4-5 posts..? thats being positive and writing a wall of text everytime for sure. I've written 2 times smaller wall of texts and got 7 scraps
for light you need: 22 scraps according to my calculator ( I might be calculating wrong, who knows..? I for sure dont as I'm numberblind. )
mistletoe: 10 scraps
gifts: 14 scraps
globe: 23 scraps
Also I just had a very wierd thing happening.. hadnt bought or traded anything... yet I get a message that I nought an item that sould be in my inventory.. go there just to make sure = nthing new under the sky
@Raxton: 4-5 posts..? thats being positive and writing a wall of text everytime for sure. I've written 2 times smaller wall of texts and got 7 scraps
for light you need: 22 scraps according to my calculator ( I might be calculating wrong, who knows..? I for sure dont as I'm numberblind. )
mistletoe: 10 scraps
gifts: 14 scraps
globe: 23 scraps
Also I just had a very wierd thing happening.. hadnt bought or traded anything... yet I get a message that I nought an item that sould be in my inventory.. go there just to make sure = nthing new under the sky

Posted in What is your christmas wishlist this year?
Posted 6 years ago
There are no need for me to write a wish-list, for years my x-mas, as well as my bday gift have always been 200 dkk ( around 30USD ) though I do wish for a couple things... Like my cancer-tests being negative ( getting tested for cancer the coming week as my doctor suspect I might have it ) that and a calm x-mas new years without the need to call for an ambulance or without anxiety of loud sudden noises taking over.
if material things I'd love to get an Ipad, a camera or a new phone but thats some highly unrealistic wishes
if material things I'd love to get an Ipad, a camera or a new phone but thats some highly unrealistic wishes