Teatales's posts
Posted in ☆⌒ Christmas Rainbows: GET YOUR FESTIVE LITTLE BUTTS IN HERE ⌒☆*:・゚
Posted 6 years ago
As one celebrating christmas the 24th I can come in here * swirls in throwing a bit of biodegradable-glitter *
Merry christmas/jul folks! ;) * runs runs runs back to making a surprise-art gift for a friend before I have to teach my sister how to make christmas dinner * ( yah my sister wanted to make christmas dinner yet spendt most of yesterday asking for advice in how to make it XDD )

Merry christmas/jul folks! ;) * runs runs runs back to making a surprise-art gift for a friend before I have to teach my sister how to make christmas dinner * ( yah my sister wanted to make christmas dinner yet spendt most of yesterday asking for advice in how to make it XDD )

Posted in Ask The NPC Anything!
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: lol I cant even remember that event... I reemember there was a curious case but I do not recall at all what happend in it xD

Posted in Carol of the Bells! (FAQ & Lore)
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: Yeah I found out that much xD

Posted in Ask The NPC Anything!
Posted 6 years ago
@Vontell: I'm sorry if you have been asked this before, but what is the story behind you and Leo? how did you two meet? did you buy him or was he fre roaming coming to you? When?
( offgame: in all seriousness I feel I have missed some sort of event or chapter I have absolutely no memory of reading of Leo nor seeing Leo before X_X'' )
( offgame: in all seriousness I feel I have missed some sort of event or chapter I have absolutely no memory of reading of Leo nor seeing Leo before X_X'' )

Posted in Ribbons of Rebirth!
Posted 6 years ago
I had traditions with my foster family; they would go to a forest to find a tree we could use for x-mas, in the night while we kids were sleeping the would put up the tree and decorate it, so we had that to watch when we woke up. watching x-mas-calendars ( like pyrus, jul i gammelby and the like ) together on television too while eating snacks. we would also make the advent decoration together some days before the first advent. on christmas day we would go to church before getting home and getting ready for guests. Each night we would also place our indoor shoes outside the door so the 'nisse' would be leaving small gifts for us to wake up to in the morning. From candy to small toys and erasers
at the institution ( or orphanage as it was by name ) we had a donated x-mas where rich people and compaies would donate so that we kids could get x-mas present and celebrate x-mas about a week before the actual x-mas one of th pedagogs would be dressins up as santa and come in with a bag with the presents and an other bag with stuff from the companies that usually were in sportsbags or schoolbags after we had danced around the christmas tree , only us kids while the pedagogs would be watching.on sundays we would get a advent present for a certain amount of money that the commune would give them.
In my biological family we dont have any traditions, though my sister this year will try to start making traditions now that she got her own daughter. My oldest brother and father wont be joining, my brother cause he cant be with my sister, my father because of stairs up to her apartment as well as, what is suspected to be bowel cancer, ( but we will first know for sure next year..) giving him a lot of issues.
Im just kinda considering to try and hold x-mas alone by myself next year ^^;;;
at the institution ( or orphanage as it was by name ) we had a donated x-mas where rich people and compaies would donate so that we kids could get x-mas present and celebrate x-mas about a week before the actual x-mas one of th pedagogs would be dressins up as santa and come in with a bag with the presents and an other bag with stuff from the companies that usually were in sportsbags or schoolbags after we had danced around the christmas tree , only us kids while the pedagogs would be watching.on sundays we would get a advent present for a certain amount of money that the commune would give them.
In my biological family we dont have any traditions, though my sister this year will try to start making traditions now that she got her own daughter. My oldest brother and father wont be joining, my brother cause he cant be with my sister, my father because of stairs up to her apartment as well as, what is suspected to be bowel cancer, ( but we will first know for sure next year..) giving him a lot of issues.
Im just kinda considering to try and hold x-mas alone by myself next year ^^;;;

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
where are Mdom to be hot? * is chilly in scandinavia * and we had a bit of snow yesterday though it didnt stay on the ground... :/ temperature at -2 c

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago

/noms dinner

We’ll carry on
/noms dinner
*quotes a bit more before waddling over to make some tea to hopefully keep me awake for 6 more hours *

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago

In an one Thestal open sleigh

We’ll carry on
In an one Thestal open sleigh

* puts up cookies and some lactosefree milk * wonder if santa would like hot chocolate for such a busy night.

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago

@Ixora: a lion, hippo, giraffe and zebra went to New York

We’ll carry on
@Ixora: a lion, hippo, giraffe and zebra went to New York

something with a deer and a quote * quotes while halfasleep *

Posted in Get Santa! (And win prizes)
Posted 6 years ago
So i guess its too late to quote the other thingies..? * was bus reading trough the event threads trying not no miss anything as I had completley mised that there were an event despite having seen the new currency and the calendar ( is it btw on purpose you cant close down the txt from the calendar once you have opened it..? as much as the entire scroolbar-being-invisible..? )
Edit: Also I never in my life heard of Get Santa... apart from lines in movies where people say " go get santa " and somehing along those lines .... honestly first thought you meant that new movie on netflix where santa for a brief period of time is in jail suspected to be a stalker... and they have this sing song concert in the jail to get the christmas spirits up.
Edit: Also I never in my life heard of Get Santa... apart from lines in movies where people say " go get santa " and somehing along those lines .... honestly first thought you meant that new movie on netflix where santa for a brief period of time is in jail suspected to be a stalker... and they have this sing song concert in the jail to get the christmas spirits up.

Posted in Carol of the Bells! (FAQ & Lore)
Posted 6 years ago
Yea only just noticed that there apart from the calendar and new currency ( with no explanation how to get it ) yesterday, got the daily think ut as I didndt see an announcement for thee being an event I didnt check the forums. ^^;
cute idea though.
cute idea though.

Posted in How VK Ruined Solstice
Posted 6 years ago
Had thought there would be an announcement for this event but apparently not, atleast didnt see announcements yesterday nor today only fell over this by merry accident ..
oh well time to try and figur eout how to do this event thingy thang...
Also it would be grat if the first page could somehow link to the different vregory replies/ 'new days' so you wont have to go trough every single page. I recall the beah one where it got too much so I ended up giving up on the event and figuring out what the day had brought. might just be me though ¨¨;
oh well time to try and figur eout how to do this event thingy thang...
Also it would be grat if the first page could somehow link to the different vregory replies/ 'new days' so you wont have to go trough every single page. I recall the beah one where it got too much so I ended up giving up on the event and figuring out what the day had brought. might just be me though ¨¨;

Posted in Craft Scraps
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Indeed you did. Just finished exchanging ( took longer than expected as I kept falling asleep ^^; )

Posted in Craft Scraps
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: I have accepted. Thank you! <3 lifesaver.. or christmas set saver xD