Teatales's posts
Posted in Rolling Adventure!
Posted 4 years ago
*prepares for battle * >:D

Posted in Snowy Investigation (Evolving Item Hangout)
Posted 4 years ago
wee finally my browser would let me in on Voltra, just to see this.
Sweater named El.... * got an LARP OC named El * xDD
Sweater named El.... * got an LARP OC named El * xDD

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News!]: Holiday Knick-Knack!
Posted 4 years ago
Happy holidays

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News!]: A Bountiful Knick-Knack
Posted 4 years ago
Happy thanks giving to those celebrating it

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
@wildfire: sory I idnt reply before think my brain went " 13 new notifications... thats the same you had earlier " so I didnt seee it till now. but yes its good new... not as good news is that my brothers want to give a f-finger to the rules and law when it comes to spreaing ashes and not go out over directly open water which else is required ( 200 metres from the land ) and from what I understoood hes having the ashes is his home too, which also is against the rules... ( here you need a written permission from the churchministry to have human ashes in your home even if it is in an urn )

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
Got news on when my dads ashes will be spread: dec 5

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
@wildfire: well its bad enough that it easily got ripped up yesterday, where I got myself some proper stuff to clease the wound but man is it troubesom to have to wer 2 gloves thanks to the wound when being outside shopping/picking up bike.

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: yeup only just saw them now ( also I apologize for any spelling errors I got.. it a bit har to write with a index finger in a bandaid aftre I a ouple days ago accidntally cut myself with avery sharp bread-knife )

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
Morning.. though it technically aint morning here anymore..
Just now noticed/learned that there had been art and poetry contests also during the event... actually I missed a LOT of the evet 'games' I can see... guess sorrow makes ones vision very tunnel-like ><''
Just now noticed/learned that there had been art and poetry contests also during the event... actually I missed a LOT of the evet 'games' I can see... guess sorrow makes ones vision very tunnel-like ><''

Posted in Mirrored Expression: Voting!
Posted 4 years ago
Wait! there was an art-contest too?! I completely missed that O_O

Posted in Chapter Fourteen: Farewell, Looking Glass
Posted 4 years ago
F.... That ending.. somehow made me tear up..

Posted in Chapter Thirteen: The Jabberwock
Posted 4 years ago
Let me give out a FAIR WARNING to people having blinking light sensitive epilepsy or are light sensitive, as I suspect the background and the blinking light will be triggering for fellow people with light sensitivity and/or epilepsy..
( it honestly had me worried for an epileptic trigger underway, despite I was told I am considered epilepsy free last month )
( it honestly had me worried for an epileptic trigger underway, despite I was told I am considered epilepsy free last month )

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News!]: 2M Posts Milestone Update!
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: yeah life has been very busy this month.. I try to gte my hand on the items myself, but ifI shoudl miss any I will let you know. I think I got all the current items of the current event.

Posted in Chapter Twelve: The Red Queen
Posted 4 years ago
Is there a bug with the game? for some reason I get a 404 error