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@wildfire: well mental exaustion is a thing, take it from me who deals with it regularly
@wildfire: its been surprisingly sunny and almost hot here today. ah yes with covid-19 I know the feeling of the groceries-food-clean-sleep routine it gets rather tedious.

oh software? Hope you ad your friend can coordinate something.
@wildfire: hahah same. I sometimes wish there was some sort of 'meet the npcs' list here on voltra though so I could get to read about the npcs

Im fine today, just spendt money on a bunch of makeup and latex for the digital LARP on saturday, despite I still have some skin-friendly latex, I would rather be on the safe side, + with this new makeup I might be able to color the ears properly. Should probably get started on working on some small boney things for my face, but still got plently of time for that ^^;

though had some nastyness in my breakfas t this morning... it should taste of oats.... it instead suddenly had a very nasty pea-like taste so ended up throwing it out in case it had gone bad. sincethen just oogling about planning out my characters travel ad precauions for said travel as she got to meet some higher ups.... * slightly tempted to see if I can get an outfit together that represent them or their alterego on my mule and main*

how about you? hows yoyr day been?
*do not remember the names of the NPCS * xDDD
Posted in Valentina's Blueprints (Comic) Posted 4 years ago
Aahahha savage Val x'DD
@Suny: nopes and it i not something that is on the danish netflix ( danish netflix sucks when it comes to titles/shows )
@Sunny: yeap great show. someone recommended some other show on reddt similiar to it, t cant find the post again so for now... I'll probably go with either Voltron or Suits.
Now to decide which show to start on when I just finished watching Community ... * stares at my long AF netflix list *
wohoo go Sunny!
@Wildfire: nope, English is my second language, and I'm currently using duolingo to hopefully be able to both speak and write swedish fast enough that I can understand the swedish digital LARP whenever my character stumbles upon a conversation in swedish ( they're an information gatherer )
Wish I could attend classes with laguages but unfortunatey my late term brain damage does that I cannot focus fully as my energy gets wasted on my journey to location, on the people around me and on keeping focus on listening so that I do not remmber half of what was being said. ^^;;

Hrmm I then?
Hrm.. F .?

* so lost o english words right now *
I will go for an M

Also yay the struggle and curse of autocorrect. yesterday I had o write a text with a places ame but autocorrect kept changing the name to something entirely else
@wildfire: Confirmation goal? well my goals is to get one of each event item if that is what you mean ^^;
10k confetti or..?