Teatales's posts
Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
@koah: come to Denmark its rather rare here

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
the closest I have ever come to trying mac and cheese have been making pasta and dumping cheese slices on it.
I do have some mac'n cheese mix in my kitchen though, just not tried it and wot untill I know wth is up with my heart, if the pain is from stress or if it is something else entirely.
I do have some mac'n cheese mix in my kitchen though, just not tried it and wot untill I know wth is up with my heart, if the pain is from stress or if it is something else entirely.

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
@0v7: I always go with a good old Earl Grey tea for my morning tea, sometimes with a squint of orange/lemon

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Posted 4 years ago
I choose N!

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
anyway I can finally go to bed, ttyl <3

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Posted 4 years ago
Dragoness + WF : well I live in a minighetto so it sorta is to be expected. At least they removed the giant bushes with flowers that my body did not like at all ( whenever they bloomed I had a hard time breathing ) and planted some tiny 'trees' instead to make it look like a better place than it is.. 2 months ago some girl ( I suspect had a bad trip ) went completely nuts on me just for looking outside my window at the moon, she insisted I had been staring at her and banged on my windows until some guy she was with wrapped his arms around her and dragged her away while she was causing quite the fuss

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Posted 4 years ago
Nah I suspect we wont be gettig new dryer anytime soon as the owner of these buildings are a 'landlord-shark' and in general does whatever he can to save money and trick money from people >< o my bst hope for gettng better dryer is to et a new apartment. which I am saving up for even if it will take more years. ( in the mean time Ill have to survive the mold in my apartemnt )

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Posted 4 years ago
My dryer I don trust anymore at all. as it is shared with 33 other apartments and is so old that it doesnt run programs it just heats the clothes untill there sno more money on it. Also it doesnt heat anymore either.. at least it didnt around May

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Posted 4 years ago
@0v7: Bad man who really should open his mind and mind his own business. ( ah yeh that rings bells I recall reading a lot of bad articles about how Latine and in general non-white people, gets threated >< ) it terrible.
just got my first batch of clothes out put the second over so it can dry during tomorrow.
just got my first batch of clothes out put the second over so it can dry during tomorrow.

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Posted 4 years ago
I wish you could rolll rng from the ' quick reply' option..

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
@0v7: I take it he is a transphobe? * honestly knows very little of ICE other than that it is bad.... and that I was told at school to write ICE in front of my closest contacts on my phone in case of an emergency * ^^;;

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
Oh, I completely understand! I'm in the middle of a traditional landscape and it's just taking forever for me to do. It doesn't help that I'm so distracted with life and family that it's hard to even get there...
RNG of 19 indicates that winner #1 is XVZ!
@xvz: you've won prize #1: your choice of 1000 volts or 500 confetti - congratulations! Let me know which you prefer!
And, to celebrate reaching page 100, I'm going to give everyone else who posted on that page their choice of 500 volts or 250 confetti, so @0v7: and @TeaTales: let me know what your preference is, please!

Oh, I completely understand! I'm in the middle of a traditional landscape and it's just taking forever for me to do. It doesn't help that I'm so distracted with life and family that it's hard to even get there...

RNG of 19 indicates that winner #1 is XVZ!
@xvz: you've won prize #1: your choice of 1000 volts or 500 confetti - congratulations! Let me know which you prefer!
And, to celebrate reaching page 100, I'm going to give everyone else who posted on that page their choice of 500 volts or 250 confetti, so @0v7: and @TeaTales: let me know what your preference is, please!

As my confetti thanks to this thread is allright I would like the volts ( and thereby etting a iny step closer to having everry common item in my inventory lol )

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
@wildfire: I completley understand, better not overwork yourself <3 ooh disney + and I will become good friends over the next weeks * spots that tey got agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. which ive been looking for for YEARS *

Posted in Event Hangout: ~page prizes!~ RNG prizes ~ Come Chat- all welcome!
Posted 4 years ago
@wildfire: aaw a shame. maybe in the future if you get less busy ? <3
Else I could have seen the fun in El having gone to their old city to deliver letters from an Elder to the primogen ( eldest nosferatu representant ) and the prince of their old city. Coming back to göteborg dragging along with them some stranger, maybe newly embraced and abadoned + scared Toreador or nosferatu.
Their reaction would be one big fat: " This wasnt supposed to happen.... "
Else I could have seen the fun in El having gone to their old city to deliver letters from an Elder to the primogen ( eldest nosferatu representant ) and the prince of their old city. Coming back to göteborg dragging along with them some stranger, maybe newly embraced and abadoned + scared Toreador or nosferatu.
Their reaction would be one big fat: " This wasnt supposed to happen.... "