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@koneko: well I know that my teeth are so F'ed up that I will need them all to be pulled, they have should be done that ever since I was a teen, but the dentist I was at back then ( even the experts ) have bee afraid to do it as my front teeth are pretty thin. why I know the surgery will be hella expensive
I doubt I'd get much of either as im not exacly a super popular person.. only popular for my characters and story writings lol
@Xvz: well it is good but it doesnt cover dental work eve if the politicans have had debates n if the taxes also should cover dental work for the past 8 years,,, still hasnt turned into becoming something.
yeah I found that a mxixture of cold ( ice ) and hot ( soup ) food is the best for me right now.. meanwhile I will try and open a ko-fi and some commissions despite my art-laptop showing colors off
@koneko: well you could kinda call it that

WARNING FOR PEOPLE WITH DENTIST PHOBIA!! ( ys I am one of them and dont know fulyl hoe to spoloier stuff here )
I chipped half of one tooth 2 days ago durig that night till yesterday one of my other teeth moved so that it presses up against one tooth while the chipped tooth cuts down into my tongue.... and I CANT AFFORD A DENTIST OR DENTISTSURGERY * kicks caps lock * untill december- January
@dragoness129: uim sorry to hear that. I got no DnD people to pay with either my most playing is my LARPS and half of them are shut down thanks to Corona... one had plans o opening up first weekend of October but new restrictions did that it did not be possible.
nothing much sitting at 1.39 am and thinking of going to bed... or if I should get some painkillers before going to bed to prevent from waking up in the middle of the night from pain as I did last night ^^;
also sitting trying to put together a character description/introduction for a corona-restricted small LARP on saturday for my character to possibly have gotten some relatives in the new country she has moved to in an attempt from escaping from a possible death in her home country.
*wiggles and tiredly looks in *
Posted in Vivienne's Scissors (Comic) Posted 4 years ago
Vivi you should know not to use hair scissors for other than hair! Ö It'd be like using fabric scissors on paper; they dull VERY quickly

@Priestess of Pie I do the same, and if I cant find an utility scissor in my home I buy one on my way to where ever I am going
Posted in Vanora's Visor (Comic) Posted 4 years ago
Hats? why not just let loose that gorgeus hair with no restraints what so ever 8D
Posted in Hearth and Home: Third Anniversary Event Posted 4 years ago
gawd ive been so stressed out lately that I forgot all about this event and about getting online on voltra the past 3 days X_X;;;;; so much to catch up on confetti wise.. currentyl t cant afford anything
Posted in Virgil's Camera (Comic) Posted 5 years ago
asdk for a moment I thougth I had overseen something in the other comics ( wel I did; didnt notice that you can get itemss from each comi ) but more related to the time you could get it, somehow misread it as you only had from the comic was put up till te next comic, to be able to get the item in which case I would have aLOT of spamming to do ^^;;;
Posted in Spark's Microphone (Comic) Posted 5 years ago
@icedchai: aaah,. Yeah been ages since I watched that show. my brain could only think of a friend of mine whos name is Finian. XD