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@Panda: That is a disgrace to real panda's!

@Panda: You lazy? Never thought?

@RainbowPanda: Eep that sucks.

@Taemins Lover: Hey how are you?

@Ghostie: I think I got them all now XD

The best thing about making screenshots is you not remembering which hairs you need to take screenshots of XD

@Taemins Lover: Well hello there :)
@Panda: Of cource you would only see that XD

@RainbowPanda: I have magic skills XD Now off to take those screenshots!

@Ghostie: Done!
And what do you guys think?

Sorry no screenshots yet for the hair retextures XD Making another sim. And guys only 11 more pages until page 2600.

@RainbowPanda: The second dress (ake the makeover) is a recolour by me :)

@RainbowPanda: Maybe I can treat you with a sim makeover XD I was going to take screenshots of my new hair retextures but also made a new sim. I am hopeless.

Original size:
@Ghostie: I do not have idea's yet XD

@RainbowPanda: Doing okay. How are you?

@RainbowPanda: Hey there rainbow :)