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@Ghostie: I will. I can reply really fast XD
@Dreamy: It does have edits. You just need to refresh the page for it to show up.

@RainbowPanda: Good prize XD
@Ghostie: Yes we do. Normaly I am in bed when page prizes happen. And now dinner! I am curced.

Urgg dinner in 25 minutes. Why do I always miss page prize? :(

@Dreamy: Any hair and colour you like? I am sure some people wouldn't mind donating you something :)

@Panda: I am guessing this thread!
You guys need to hurry up to page 2600. I am afraid I will be at dinner then.

@Panda: Sure jan.

@Dreamy: Good. Are you gonne continue looking misterious?

@Dreamy: Hey there. How are you? And do you like it so far?

We 100% need a massive panda gold sink.

@Taemins Lover: I never would.

@Taemins Lover: We need to stop her.

@Taemins Lover: She wants to be the richest girl on voltra!

@Ghostie: You wanted screenshots of my new sims stuff so here it is.
@RainbowPanda: Hair retextures are done!

Original size:

@Panda: No panda's aren't lazy. That is a misconception.