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@RainbowPanda: Yeh true about that.

@Ghostie: You would never be able to keep up XD

@Ghostie: It does. But you should never be on your phone when the thread moves like this XD

@Dreamy: That is weird. I have no problems with that. Do you get an error or something?

@Dreamy: What was your name on Ernya? I am from there too.

@Ghostie: I would say 10-13 minutes. Not sure when dad want's to put the pizza in.

If we reach page 2600 on time I will give out a prize too! Prize will be a secet.

@RainbowPanda: I agree with ghost. Just 2k volts is good :)

@RainbowPanda: The one you mentioned is good enough I would say :)

5 more pages guys!

@Ghostie: Yeh and painkillers don't work to stop it.

And now my mouth hurts again :(

@Ghostie: Party time then!

@Dreamy: Also be sure to make your post long enough if possible. That way you can earn 50g each post.

@Ghostie: We are going to explode this thread XD