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@Ghostie: What is your plan? XD

@Ghostie: So it is just us now!

@Ghostie: I left after you made that post.

Wow I left and no one posted :0

@Ghostie: Aww you want it to be healed.

@Taemins Lover: Hmm never leaving.

I am signed up to 4 avatar sites at the moment. But I never go to 2 of them.

@Taemins Lover: Well you said you where getting ready to go to school.

Hmm I have heard not so good things about it.

@Taemins Lover: Bye! Have fun at school.

Better finish quick then XD

@Taemins Lover: Yes me and my sims stuff XD Deal with it!
@Ghostie: Doing another hair retexture
@RainbowPanda: Doing another hair retexture.
Will show you guys when I am done and can take screencaps.

Working on sims 4 stuff again XD

@Taemins Lover: Hey on Ernya was close to 50k posts and only a handfull of people got there.