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Posted in Vreg's Treeshure Hunt [FINALE] Posted 6 years ago

i love the event items, and am so happy the crown comes in the sea color,
cause it matches my outfit >w<

i also like the burger and will have to use it in an avy in the future.
Posted in Can't side scroll, so can't use new emotes. Posted 6 years ago

@Vii: thanks for swapping the text box and emojiis, that's a solution i hadn't thought of to suggest.
now i can see all the super cute emojiis >w<
Posted in Can't side scroll, so can't use new emotes. Posted 6 years ago

could be a chrome issue perhaps, cause i'm on chrome o .o
tho oi guess y'all can tell i use chrome from my screenshots :vanora_sweat:

-blows kisses at everyone-

oi didn't know about international kissing day till now XD
Posted in Vreg's Treeshure Hunt [FINALE] Posted 6 years ago

take all zee time y'all need.
i spend most of my time half asleep, so the wait doesn't seem long at all :vanora_xd:
Posted in Can't side scroll, so can't use new emotes. Posted 6 years ago

When I have my browser in full i can't get to the new emotes cause i can't side scroll.

Gunna put screenshots here:

if i squish my browser tho i can get to the new emotes like this

tho if i squish it thinner then i can't use the emotes

or if i make the browser slightly wider then yeah again can't access the emotes in the drop down

when creating a topic, same problem

To fix above issue, this can maybe be done:
instead of the emotes in the drop down opening up next to the emotes,
they can open up below them all. like :

Posted in Vreg's Treeshure Hunt [FINALE] Posted 6 years ago

i love love all the new emojis >w<
tho the drop down menus on the far right, i can't scroll over to see all the emojis there
Posted in Murmaider: LGBTI+ Friendly Posted 6 years ago

@Lucan: ima never sell it :P
it's very cute, i like it alot. i even changed my mer-avy to wear it :D

ima head to bed now tho.
night ^u^
Posted in Murmaider: LGBTI+ Friendly Posted 6 years ago

@Lucan: yer welcome. owo
aww i see ye added an item called snuggle bunny, it sounds cute, thank you >w<
Posted in Murmaider: LGBTI+ Friendly Posted 6 years ago

@Lucan: buff arms, that would be the 'beach babe' item, which i has an extra of luckilly :D
also price is free of course. o3o

the only reason i save extras of event items is to give them to friends. o3o
Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~ Posted 6 years ago

my mom is getting up for work,
oi can tell she's annoyed that i've stayed up all night :vanora_sweat:

g'night. or g'afternoon technically for Tuijip,

dunno what time zone ye be in vengeance, good morning? XD

see y'all later, bed for me now.
Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~ Posted 6 years ago

dogs are a good judge of character -nods- makes sense that ye dog dislikes someone everyone hates.
they can sense that sorta thing.

after i eat i shall sleep. ovo
the other night i was sick cause i didn't eat much the other day.
so ima trying to eat when oi can.
Posted in Murmaider: LGBTI+ Friendly Posted 6 years ago

-lurks- i can give ye my extra event items Lucan :vanora_smile:
Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~ Posted 6 years ago

waking up with a start sucks.

i'm doing okay. just getting myself something to eat.
tho it be 4am and i should be in bed.
i stayed up reading manga and drawing.