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Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks! Posted 6 years ago
N is for Nutella
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 6 years ago
10 volts plus whatever amount i get from this post :D
Posted in What food is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago
burnt blueberry muffin
Posted in Yuck or Yum? Posted 6 years ago

i need mah sugar n cream in coffee.

Posted in Word Association Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 6 years ago

-curls up in a corner- i claim this spot. o3o
Posted in What do you keep in your bag? Posted 6 years ago

I have a couple bags, laptop bag, purse and backpack.

backpack: clothes, hairbrush, razor, bodyspray or deodorant. waterbottle.
laptop bag: laptop, drawing tablet, charger cable.
purse: wallet, square zip bag with cats on it & has phone charging cables and earbuds,
cat shaped bag with candy in it, rectangle bag with hand sanitizer, mini mirrors, tooth floss picks, lipgloss, nailfile, nail cutter, eyeglass repair kit, tweezers, pill container (empty but usually has aspirin), oragel, handsanitize napkin.
another zip bag with toothbrush, more oragel, toothpaste, toothpick.

two notebooks, sketchbook, pens pencils, calendar, spool of thread, sewing needles, usb plug adapter, plastic fork, spoon, chopsticks, magnets, eyeglass kit, glas vial, two differnt kinds of cough drops, first aid kit with various size bandaids.

Posted in Item Suggestion Thread Posted 6 years ago

don't know if it's been suggested but since there is cyclops eyes, how about some unibrows to go with them
Posted in Unsolicited Advice-Rant Posted 6 years ago

"then don't draw it like crap" well that was unnecessarily rude of him.
that's not advice that's an insult, nor be it constructive criticism.
real advice would be like ''do some figure studies, use lots of references''
also even if it comes out crap, just keep on arting. getting better doesn't happen overnight.

plus there's a saying, an artist is their own worst critic.
because an artist when they draw it won't always come out as they envision, and that can be frustrating.
Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 6 years ago

@Hazer: you can post :D
i may need more posts in the future but that won't be for awhile and 10 is a nice even number XD

Also would it surprise you that I consider this a teeny tiny amount of avatars? :vanora_xd:
Normally by now I'd have 3 times as many avatars since I've been here -checks- 5 months.
on a different site i had about 140 avatars by that time...which is uh still not that many to me lol
for that other site i made a total of 450 ish avatars, and again tis the smallest amount cause that total was less than 3 years.
on another site i made 309 avatars so far in just this year, so by the end of the year i should get to my normal average of 500 easily. o3o

Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 6 years ago

last but not least 10
Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 6 years ago

post 8
Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 6 years ago

just going to reserve 10 posts i think