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Posted in Npc Role Call! Who's your favorite npc? Posted 6 years ago

@Rallaa: "Bert to Vreg's Ernie"
that's so accurate XD
Posted in Ahoy pirates tis TLAPD (Avatar contest inside) Posted 6 years ago

Trades for prizes hath been completed,
hence this the official end of this TLAPD avatar contest thread.
see y'all next year.
Posted in Whats your childhood toy? Posted 6 years ago

Meet Cleo, little leopard half full of beans.
She's a little flat due to missing plastic pellets that fell out from a hole.

She's not missing an eye but it did fall out once and I managed to fix it but she kept her eyepatch.
I've had her for ages, I remember bringing her with me to elementary school.
So she is a little over 20 years old.

@Gatorlec: when you mentioned your leopard it made me remember my leopard. :D
Posted in Holy shit I just caught a mouse. UPDATE Posted 6 years ago

i caught a mouse once, at the house i babysit/nanny at, around midnight i went to the bathroom and it was trapped in the toilet bowl.
i found a empty plastic jar and scooped it up, and left it there till morning, after it had dried off, and had fed it a blueberry or two.
then me and the kid walked a couple blocks away and dumped it out at a forest.
just went far enough away so that the mouse wouldn't find it's way back into the house.
Posted in Npc Role Call! Who's your favorite npc? Posted 6 years ago

I figured I should say my favorite npc and that would be Vregory cause he's a cinnamon bun too pure for this world.
Posted in Ahoy pirates tis TLAPD (Avatar contest inside) Posted 6 years ago

@Glume: ye be wanting both treasure chests then?
Posted in Ahoy pirates tis TLAPD (Avatar contest inside) Posted 6 years ago

Good morning, oi be announcin the winners of me avatar contest,

come and claim ye treasure:

@Glume: 1st place goes to ye, 2k volts and two items from the treasure chest.

@Vengeance: runner up goes to ye, you get to choose two items from the treasure chest after glume makes their pick.

hope everyone had fun, be sure tah keep an eye out on the horizon next year when me ship sails in with another TLAPD contest, i will be scouring the seven seas and bringing better and more treasure and pirate games when that time comes.
Posted in Ahoy pirates tis TLAPD (Avatar contest inside) Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: thanks, perhaps next year i will make this more than an avatar contest so that thar can be more discussion.
include page prizes, pirate games, and a treasure hunt. but since this was planned kind o last minute, an avatar contest was the main focus.

t'would be nice to get more chatter in here since this is 'talk like a pirate day' and not 'dress like a pirate day' tho the two go hand in hand. XD
Posted in Missing volt, bug maybe? Posted 6 years ago

@Piaro: ah i see, i tried that and indeed lost one volt when i made a post shorter by a character,
that's interesting that happens.
Posted in Missing volt, bug maybe? Posted 6 years ago

@Piaro: ah i see, i didn't know that, thanks for clearing up the mystery.

(ima edit this to try it out, 2127 volts currently)
second edit/ i didn't lose a volt but maybe it takes time. hmm)
Posted in Missing volt, bug maybe? Posted 6 years ago

I wasn't going to make a thread about this but then a friend said I should.
"It may just be a single volt, but it would be bad if it happened to others, or in larger amounts.
Also, might have been due to them granting your prize
Like they made some kind of mistake while fiddling with your accounts info."
(during the voltra discussion on discord i got a prize in the raffle, a sept crate)

So earlier I had exactly 8000 volts,
then it went down to 7999 volts, which I believe happened after I made a minor edit to a post.
which shortened the post by one character.
I wonder if that's the reason for the missing volt?

(btw, I currently have a bit over 2000 volts since i went shopping)

Anyways tis not that big of a deal to be missing a single volt
but my friend does make a point.
it might be a single volt but it's important to report this kinda thing happening. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Ahoy pirates tis TLAPD (Avatar contest inside) Posted 6 years ago

yar ye landlubbers and seadogs gather round and hear me call,
tomorow be the last day of the pirate avatar contest.
Posted in Ahoy pirates tis TLAPD (Avatar contest inside) Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: welcome to tah crew, a pirate's eye has gotta be sharp tah spy treasure from afar.
gambling be indeed quite fitting fer a pirate.

@Mousy: ahoy welcome as well tah me crew.
oi see ye be enjoying a coconut drink. smart pirate ye be,
tis wise tah keep hydrated while under the sun.
Posted in Ahoy pirates tis TLAPD (Avatar contest inside) Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: yar welcome to the crew.

@SnakeWeaver: sometimes little details are noticeable right away other times they be hidin from sight XD
something oi just noticed, the dice in ye hands, be showing snake eyes. 1 & 1 be called snake eyes o3o