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Posted in ACT 7: Escape the Caravan! Posted 6 years ago

oi missed most of everything cause i went out to buy discount halloween stuff,
am glad i did cause when i went somebody was filling a shopping cart full of candy,
i managed to snag two boxes before they were all gone. XD

also the power went out at my house for a couple hours and it just came back on like less than an hour ago.
Posted in ACT 7: Escape the Caravan! Posted 6 years ago

@mdom: i miss the purple too, it was pretty XD
tho i like this color scheme too, but my inventory is greyed out so that makes avy making a little disorienting
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 6 years ago

those lovely wings
Posted in It would make my day~ Posted 6 years ago

I have some art of snakes that I've drawn. ovo

technically that last one is a naga.

I also have pictures of my naga girl, she's a ball jointed doll i got a couple years ago.

Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

@Shadami: g'luck with nano. ^u^
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago


@Shadami: sent ye a trade with a gift of ohms, tis not much but it's what oi had XD

I'm actually covering my mouth in shock right now. i didn't expect an actual trade..

i did say i'd feed you some ohms XD
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

@Shadami: sent ye a trade with a gift of ohms, tis not much but it's what oi had XD
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

@Shadami: i can feed you a few ohms so ye has something to munch on. o3o
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

at least vregory is safe! >w<

and we didn't knock everyone out.
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

i bet it's vregory since he's the least suspicious one, making him the most suspicious one.

tho i am hesitant to vote for him cause he's a pure sweet trash baby that wouldn't hurt a fly.
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

if it's not vivi i think i might accuse vyctor next unless he has anything to say to convince otherwise.
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

@Smolkie: I accuse YOU! err i mean vivianne... i guess, since we can't accuse you right.
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

@okios: i don't think it's time for voting yet.
since we get time to discuss who we suspect then comes voting
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: yes he is such a sweetie, i don't think i could vote for him.