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Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Yuck or Yum? Posted 6 years ago

yum when added to stuff, yuck if eaten on it's own. XD

scalloped potatos
Posted in Word Association Posted 6 years ago

Posted in What would you do if you won the lottery? Posted 6 years ago

If I won or came into a bunch of money, first things first I'd help pay off my families debt.
Then spend money on health stuff like fixing my teeth.
After that, take my mom on a vacation to like Paris cause she deserves it.

I'd also probably buy a bunch of ball jointed dolls, they're expensive and I'd love to have more of them,
but some of the more expensive ones are like a faraway dream.
Posted in Dolls Posted 6 years ago

a dollhouse would be cool to have.
i have a dollhouse cabinet but i haven't put it together yet.
Posted in What usernames have people used in the past? Posted 6 years ago

I've been using zuzu alot more lately and it's a nickname of a username i used to go buy everywhere.
mizu-no-kimi which i created when my other username mizutakara was taken on gaia.
after that i used mizu-no-kimi alot, then zuzukazzoo and simply zuzu.

other usernames i've used is Amaya Clepsydra, or Amaya.
Senarion, Takara, Tsumetai, Mizu, and variations.
Posted in Unwritten Rules Posted 6 years ago

an unwritten rule that came to mind is ''if a restaurant is out of something that you want, order something else"

which makes sense but i was commenting on a story the other day, and whoo boy the sense of entitlement in the comments complaining about the restaurant when the customer was being unreasonable.
The restaurant was out of soda water, waitress offered tonic water, and complimentary normal water, also probably other drinks were available. but nope not good enough for the guy, he asked if he could leave and buy soda water, waitress said she would have to ask her manager since normally there's a fee on outside drinks. but the guy didn't wait and just took off to go get his stupid soda water. and there were soooo many comments defending the guy.
Posted in Pizza Debate... za Posted 6 years ago

i don't usually dip my pizza's in sauce unless they came with a sauce option automatically.
usually i'd choose ranch. marinara is okay but isn't that like already on the pizza, i don't need more XD

one place had a garlic butter dip but it was gross to me. tho i normally like garlic butter.

haven't tried it but i kinda want to dip pizza in some pineapple honey mustard i have.
Posted in Themed Weddings Posted 6 years ago

themed weddings look like fun.
i was thinking about having a alice in wonderland themed wedding,
more of a mad hatter's tea party than a wedding.
my friends thought it was a great idea.
too bad it's not gunna happen since i got broken up with.

tho maybe i could still have a mad hatters tea party eventually, just without the wedding aspect. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Unique entertainment where you live? Posted 6 years ago

hmm unique places where I live, what came to mind is the Bison Park located near my town.
Reclaimed land, nature preserve kinda place. There's a viewpoint place where you can see the bison from afar.
I found an interesting article about the herd.
Posted in Draw for me! Please? Posted 6 years ago

i think the choppy hairstyle in that comic looks cute Auxillatrix. ovo
Posted in The Surge [Breaking!]: Event Closing Posted 6 years ago

this event was pretty fun. i liked the "draw for me" part best. ovo
Posted in Draw for me! Please? Posted 6 years ago

Thank you. ^w^
I had wanted to do all the npc's but that became too much for me XD
(also the gif probably would've been too long) lol

I'm glad I kept it simple and chose those two. ovo
tho i kinda wish i made the electric antennae animated too but was lazy lol

I may finish drawing all the other npc's since I do have pencils done for them. o3o
Posted in Draw for me! Please? Posted 6 years ago

i dunno why the gif ended up bigger than the stills...
but whatever -too tired to make the minor adjustments-