@Qiqi Agatha:
@Miss Sandman:
@Anarchist Beauty:
@Another movie addict:
& anyone else that popped by the thread over the last couple of days:
I'm sorry I disappeared - some virus came out of the woodwork and knocked me square up the side of the head, so I've been sick the last couple of days. I'm feeling better now, but still not 100% - especially since the antihistamine I took to take care of the sinus headache and pressure is knocking me for a pretty big loop ATM. Anyone got toothpicks to prop my eyes open with? XD
So much for making progress with the event, huh? I hope you guys are enjoying it at least. Please feel free to chat here, if you're inspired to do so. I'm not really back yet, but hopefully will be soon. Right now, I'm just waiting for this sinus meds to wear off. Fortunately it's only a 4-6hour dose instead of 24... I'll have some catching up to do once I can keep my eyes open for more than two minutes at a time :3
... Just wanted to let you know what happened. :/