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Forums Anniversary Party 2022 ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 16:55:31 )
@star2000shadow: Yeah, I hear ya. Hopefully things will get better soon. Doing laundry is good. It's a necessary thing but it's one of those chores that can be oddly soothing...

@Anarchist Beauty: lol - I don't like posting on my phone either - it's just too much work!!
I am feeling better now, thank you. :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 16:58:52 )
@Koah: Ouch. So you got tested, huh? The covid experience was not a fun one for us, tbh, but we made it through. I hope you guys are starting to feel better now, at least? It's been at least two weeks now since you guys started getting sick, right?

@sunny: Playing "catch up" after being sick is always the worst somehow, isn't it?? Fortunately for me at least this time, I was the only one out for the running for a couple days, so the other adults in the house could help take care of the stuff "I" normally do and nothing is horribly backed up in terms of dishes, laundry, etc.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:00:20 )
    @Wildfire: that’s something at least. It would be super annoying to have a bunch of laundry and dishes backed up :( how is your garden doing?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:02:18 )
@Wildfire: It's been about 4 weeks since we began getting sick.
common cold.
Then the flu.
Then covid. XD
Baby is the only one sick now, everyone else is recovering. And baby is really sick. It's hard/heartbreaking.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:11:44 )
@sunny: Well, I did some weeding this morning and some pruning. Unfortunately, it looks like a couple things have become host to bugs that are gnawing on pretty much everything, but I've pulled off the worst bits and will spray it with something tomorrow morning (or maybe tonight if I'm up for it) in the hopes of helping get rid of the buggers. Other parts are definitely doing their thing - some parts are growing, some are dying, I need to figure out what to plant in other parts, and I need to put down some more mulch, but otherwise things seem to be going pretty well. Oh - and I need to move some papaya that have sprung up in unfortunate places (from the compost). TMI? XD Thanks for asking!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:13:56 )
@Koah: Oh jeeze - you really have been overrun with all kinds of viruses, haven't you?? ... with no time to recover in between!! I'm so sorry!! :(
Poor baby! :( I'm sure you're doing all you can do for him, but yes, it's always hard to see your kids sick, especially the itty bitty ones who can't even tell you what they're specifically feeling... :( </3


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:27:00 )
@Wildfire: Little guy is coughing and his tiny voice is out. So when he cries, it's pathetic and airy.

On a happier note, I took my son to the library the other day, and one of the head ladies lingered next to me for a minute and then offered me a job that seems like it was curated specifically for me. lol. I wouldn't put it past them.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:31:52 )
@Koah: awww... poor fella! <3
LOL - so are you considering taking the job? You sound interested, just from the way you phrased the offer/experience


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:36:02 )
@Wildfire: I might.
My husband is teetering on switching career paths and I'm stressed about it.
Making my own money and in a job I've done before might help me ease the stress. However, now I have to worry about childcare.
I sent an email inquiring about the pay, and from there, I'll have to see what's available for baby care in the area.

The job is for the school year, so my kids would need to go to the public school.

we'll see. I might take it, I might not.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 17:45:08 )
    @Wildfire: oh man, bug invasion! Yes, spray those suckers into oblivion! I hope you can reclaim your plants :O
    Papaya sprang from the compost? Is that usual for papaya? are they a particularly hardy plant? I know nothing about papaya, except that they taste nice XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 18:22:22 )
@Koah: yeah- lots of things to weigh in a decision like that! Still, it's nice to have an offer and an opportunity- especially since they seen to have catered it to you specifically!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 18:26:25 )
@sunny: lol- apparently, papaya will seed from compost if given the opportunity and the right conditions. They're semitropical, so my location is really good for growing them, but no, they're not particularly hardy from what I understand, and they only fruit for a couple of years (2-3?) I think? I'll find out, since apparently I'm growing a bunch! XD


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 18:34:08 )
    @Wildfire: LOL that’s pretty funny XD I love when plants do wacky things like that. Keeps us on our toes. LOL.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 20:51:38 )
@sunny: lol, this is quite true! I agree with you too, btw- it's fun seeing what the plants decide to do... Which ones grow, which ones don't, despite your best efforts, etc....

I forget is I've already asked you, but are you doing a garden or anything ATM?


Donator — PomePome Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 20:52:09 )
@Wildfire: everybody should iam sovsad that they dont do
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 20:55:28 )
@Miss Sandman: yes, I agree- the children should come first... genuinely first... and they should all have a parent or other adult who only wants the best for them. Unfortunately, not all do. It makes me very sad.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 21:00:59 )
    @Wildfire: no gardening for me this year, I moved into a place with no garden..... :( I still have my raspberry and blackberry bushes at my mum's house, which are coming along nicely, but I haven't been out to check on them or do any practical gardening yet. The weather here has been pretty poor tbh, though it's supposed to improve this week.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 21:05:31 )
@sunny: aww... I'm sorry to hear you can't do any gardening right now- it sounds like you enjoy it. At least you have the raspberry and blackberry bushes though, right? ... And Yum! Both of those are delicious!

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 21:17:17 )
    @Wildfire: they are delicious, I'm really hoping I get some decent fruits this year! Fingers crossed!
    It's ok, my current situation is only temporary. Hopefully I will move somewhere with a garden, otherwise I will have to look into indoor gardening etc.


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/5 21:23:01 )
@koah: I hope your baby is feeling better! Covid sucked when we had it in Dec/Jan... I just had a bad case of the sniffles and loss of smell for a week but my SO was puking, fever, didn't want to move and just felt like crap. My son was the least affected, all he had was a headache and a small fever.

I suck so bad at gardening.... I have a bad habit of killing plants, lol. Best plant I ever had was a basket of flowers I got for mothers day from SO and my son... it sat outside on the front porch and all I did was water it once in awhile.

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