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Forums Role Playing Growing like Weeds

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 05:26:26 )
Luke was silent for a moment.

".....all right." he replied.

"I'll try." he said.

"I... I'll try." he repeated, as there was a sudden burst of black flames before them.

When they died down, Ash and Lily stood there, with the snake still coiled around the latter.

"And we're here." Ash commented.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 05:47:44 )

"I still hate your flames." Lily stated with a sigh.

"And I see you have the snake." Anna then commented after a moment

"All right, Luke. Time for you to bring it forth."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 06:12:34 )
Luke was silent as he was told that, and gulped.

"R-right." he stammered.

He then placed his hands on the ground, his fingers gently digging into the soil, and concentrated.

"....." he seemed to be concentrating hard, before taking a hand out, grabbing a bottle of water, and pouring some into the soil slowly, for about 5 seconds, before stopping.

He then put his hand back into the ground, and concentrated even harder... just as a flower started to grow out of the ground.

Its large size, wide petals, and light purple colour, told them all one thing.

Luke had succeeded.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 06:18:47 )

"Figured you could." Anna said with a light laugh.

"Now give it to the snake." She added with a chuckle.

"And, of course, don't get bit."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 06:30:37 )
Luke plucked the flower out of the ground, and made his way towards Lily and her snake.

As he approached, the snake became quite on-edge, as Lily noticed.

It tightened up a little, but extended its head forward, opening its mouth and baring its fangs at Luke.

Luke flinched and took a small step back, as the snake hissed warningly.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 06:36:55 )

Lily just laughed before lookin' to Ash.

"You, get outta here. I'll catch ya later."

"Thanks for bringin' me here." She added before smirking, not addressing the snake and her brother. She wanted to see if Luke could prove that there was any sort of reason to trust him on his own, without anyone prompting it.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 06:52:37 )
Ash just nodded.

"Yep." he said.

"Later, Lily." he said to her.

"See ya, guys." he then told Anna and Andrew. They waved to him, as he took a step back and disappeared in a burst of black fire.

Luke was shaking visibly, but pushed himself forward, extending the bloom towards the snake.

The snake flicked its tongue out at the bloom, before inching closer towards Luke. It stared him right in his eyes, before looking back at Lily, as though awaiting direction.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 06:54:38 )

Lily just snickered and shrugged.

"You do you." She told the snake, but didn't make any move. She didn't do anything to give the impression that she trusted, nor that she distrusted, Luke.

She just crossed her arms, being careful of the snake in the process.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 07:13:55 )
The snake looked back at Luke, and got even closer, slowly uncoiling from around Lily, and coiling around Luke.

"...." Luke continued to remain silent, until the snake was completely coiled around him.

The serpent flicked its tongue around, seeming to take in all of Luke, before slithering off of him, and in front of Lily.

"You'll need to... eat this if you... want to avoid trouble and... st-stay with Lily..." Luke said quietly.

The snake responded by raising its head, wrapping its tongue around the bloom, and taking it into its mouth. It then swallowed the bloom, and started to coil back around Lily.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 07:16:08 )

Lily just laughed.

"Lucas, you're adorable." She stated. "Your unease and hesitation is just brilliant."

"Quit picking on your brother." Anna stated.

"Now come on. We're heading to an inn for the night." She then said. Lily nodded as the snake seemed to vanish for a moment.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/24 07:51:40 )
Andrew just shook his head some.

"This is something you'll never grow out of, is it?" he asked rhetorically.

As the snake vanished, she suddenly felt it wind up and coil around her again, before it seemed to come back into view.

"It should be undetectable to anyone but you now." Luke told Lily.

"Impressive." Andrew said.

"Now come on, we need to get our nightly lodgings, now that we're back together again." he told them, echoing Anna's statement.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 04:56:25 )

Lily nodded.

"Awesome." She said.

[i]Hey Luke, you might find a bedmate tonight."[/b] She commented with a smirk as Anna got to her feet.

"Come on. Stop tormenting him. Let's go."Anna said with a shake of her head.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 05:13:32 )
Andrew just sighed.

"I don't think that's ever going to stop, Anna." he told her, as Luke rejoined them.

"Lucky you." he then said to Lily.

"You could have ended up anywhere in the world." he told her.

"But you happened to end up by the guild somehow."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 05:30:22 )

"I'd say that it was something extremely lucky." Anna commented.

"Seriously. The odds of that are pretty slim." She added. Lily just shrugged.

"Where are we staying tonight anyway?" The teen asked.


Lily sighed as she was in the middle of the mall, looking around. She didn't know what was going on, exactly, but she knew that she was not feeling ... right.

She looked to her hand and just sighed. The snake was back home, since she wasn't stupid enough to take it out into public when she didn't have to. Beyond that, she couldn't place what the issue was. There was... something different within her, she thought.

She wasn't sure though.

Something just didn't feel right.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 05:47:37 )
"There's a place called 'The Boar's Tusk' nearby." Andrew replied.

"Simple, rustic, but charming and comfortable." he told her.


As she stopped in the middle of the mall, pondering what was wrong with her, someone bumped into her as they were backing up. She stumbled forward, and the individual turned around, looking indignant.

"Hey." they said.

"Move it." they growled.

"You don't own the entire mall, here. Get out of people's way." they then snarled.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 06:12:23 )

Lily was silent as she looked to the one there.

"Yup. Of course. You need to stay out of other peoples ways too." She stated simply, her voice plain and almost empty.

"For it may lead to your death next time. Watch where you're going. There's plenty of space." She added with a smirk, a darkness behind her eyes.

"The hall is pretty much empty. So how about you learn to open your eyes and use them. Or is that too much work for someone with as little of a brain as you?" AS she spoke, she was completely calm, uncomfortably calm, eerily calm.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 06:31:06 )
The person just growled.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"Are you... threatening me...?" he asked her.

"Listen here, shrimp." he then growled, grabbing her shirt.

"You need to learn some respec-" he started to tell her, before his friend stepped up.

"Terrance, just drop it." they said.

"Shut up, Kyle." the first one snapped.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 06:33:06 )

"I'm not threatening you at all." Lily stated simply, plainly.

"I'm merely giving you a heads up. Other people may not be quite as likely to ignore the transgression as others may be." She said, her voice almost bored.

"I don't know who those wgho could lose their shit over nothing are, just like I'm sure you don't know either." She paused here and smirked.

"Then again, I think it's pretty easy to tell that you're miniscule brainstem that barely works, of course, is one that belongs to someone who WILL lose their shit over nothing." She then said.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 06:51:50 )
The man gnashed his teeth when Lily said what she did.

"That's it." he said.

"Wanna take this outside?" he asked.

"Terrance, don't!" Kyle pleaded, before looking at Lily.

"I'm so sorry." he apologized.

"He's had too much to drink, and he shouldn't even be out and abou-" he told her, before Terrance interrupted again.

"I SAID shut it, Kyle." he growled.

"Shrimp. You. Me. Outside. NOW." he barked at Lily.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/25 21:41:14 )

Lily was silent for a moment.

"So you're threatening me, huh?" She asked.

"All right. Easy enough to deal with." She continued with a shrug before pulling out her phone.

"I think Averie should hear about this." she muttered before dialing the womans number and bringing the phone up to her ear. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to complete the call or not, but she was certainly curious.

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