I'm in one of those weird modes where good things are happening- but bad things had
happened for so long that I cant seem to enjoy the highs of positivity.
I'm in the midst of packing to move, and I'm so very looking forward to less stress coming
with this move-but it doesn't feel real yet. probably because packing sucks. fuck packing.
In November we are doubling the square footage of our office and drawing up the floor plans
now to go over budget with contractors. This is amazing and going to help SO much...and
we would never be able to do this if not for having a loyal and wonderful client base....
but I just can't get excited for it, for whatever reason.
I presume I'm just too busy and in work mode constantly that I can't de-stress enough to
feel good about my future de-stressing lol.
We need a vacation so bad, my brain is a scrambled mess.