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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/10 16:30:01 )
Youtube is an interesting place to be. I personally don't use it. o3o' Since I was a teenager, I've seen youtube as a rabbit hole. Once you fall in, takes hours to get out. I really only have one playlist of music on there and if I really, really need a diy, I look it up.
My husband and roommates all use youtube pretty continuously, they have their hobbies and interests. They sit for hours watching stuff related to their video games or models or whatever else.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/10 20:23:56 )
@Purpsy: lol. Some of us are genuinely old XD

@Koah: lol... yeah, I was playing with fabric and options and they were on sale so one thing led to the other led to a half-finished rug and a broken sewing machine XD Thanks for the compliment on the rug(s) - I really like that one too. I still need to sew some of the holes I missed with the machine though. Until then, it's kind of hiding away in my room and not out where the dogs are likely to get caught in the holes when they run around like maniacs :3

You've been a reading machine lately - you must really like the series you just completed! :3

I don't really use Youtube either - never have. Once in a while I'll use it to look something up or to run a playlist. I do like how you can learn things there but I don't like sifting through somebody else's ramblings for 30 minutes just to get the information I need and my patience for finding "good" videos is limited :3 But it is a resource for a number of things, and there's some value in that


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/10 22:46:09 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: it's only stressful because of my adhd and my tech issues.
and some personal feelings toward it.
but i have to work around it.
with adhd i can't focus at all hardly. so when i have to do studies...i absolutely hate it.
but have to do it to get better. but household been stressful so my focus has been even worse lately lol.

and my tech issues...boy i got too much.
eventually hoping i can make enough from my sticker and print shop
since it has a threshold where you can earn money monthly.
that'll at least help a bit to get closer to my dream pc.

and art i believe isn't suppose to be super happy all the time just because
people seem to think that's all it is but it's complete opposite. XD
just my personal thoughts.
i still enjoy it. but many times it can be quite...frustrating

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/10 23:16:16 )
@Wildfire: I tend to get sucked into books when I find a decent story. The story itself is good. Rounded off well. Worth the read. The characters... I couldn't relate to all that much. I'd maybe rate it a 7/10 for adult fantasy.
I do have 2 smaller books left in the series to read, but the story arch itself is over.

I made my son a quilt before he was born. It's massive. but there are holes in it from one of my dogs and a thread came loose, so there's another hole. He refuses to let me have it long enough to fix. so there are mornings where I'll find him with a foot or hand through the holes. e.e'

I forgot how quickly I tan. I came inside from doing yard work and I got sun-kissed, I didn't recognize myself for a moment.
My pooper scooper broke sometime in the winter. So I had to go through the yard with baggies. I did more squats today than I have in months.
I mowed, I was probably that crazy neighbor today that broke out the mower too soon, but I have tall grass and it was driving me nuts.
And my son set up the sprinkler under the trampoline and enjoyed our 68*f weather. little too cold for me for sprinklers.. but he was happy. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 14:33:17 )
@MoodyB: I'm sorry to hear that things in your house are more stressful lately - it's not really a surprise, I think, but not fun regardless, and I admit to forgetting about your technical issues. That would definitely add to a dislike of things like Youtube. :3

No, I didn't say art should always be super happy all the time - it's a great way to work out some of those less than happy feelings and thoughts, and that can make for some really passionate artwork. What I was saying (or trying to) is that in the greater, bigger picture, it should be something that you enjoy doing... and if you're working out a less than happy experience, it's something to go to that helps you with that. It's a tool -an activity- that you enjoy regardless of the specific emotions/whatever that you might be working on at a given moment. If there is not at least that larger "enjoyment" -or if the stress of creating something you want to create constantly outweighs the benefits of the activity- then, IMO, you should probably do something else...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 14:41:48 )
@Koah: LOL! You'll have to steal the quilt to fix it when he does a sleepover or goes off fishing or whatever activity he does when he's out of the house for a few hours! XD <3

LOL! How are your legs feeling after doing all those squats with poop bags yesterday? XD I must say, that's probably a weird benefit for us not having a fenced in yard that we can just let the dogs out in... we have to walk them daily, and we have to pick up their poop from the neighbors' lawns when they go, so there's only so many squats involved XD (the upside of dog poop?? XD )

Eh... whatever makes you happy. I'm sure the grass will survive your early mowing unless it freezes over again in the next couple of days, maybe... and even then...

LOL at your son in the sprinkler at 68*F! XD That is too cold for me too, but I was also outside sunbathing in February in those temperatures the first time I came to Florida... I was just so tired of not seeing the sun, that having it available and having it even that warm was worth the slight chill to feel it on my skin!

Good morning!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 17:14:53 )
@Wildfire: I'm grunting as I walk today. My legs have that 'about to snap elastic' feeling to them. -_- I do feel accomplished knowing the dookies are clear in the part of the yard that matters most. The kids are out there a lot, and typically when I have guests/friends over, they wander into the yard to take it all in.
The grass was really tall in some areas. i didn't cut it real short, just enough to get rid of tall patches and even it out until spring. :3
I remember when I was a kid, I'd go swim in pools outside when it was only 50-60 degrees. e.e' I can't do that now. XD

I sometimes miss walking my dogs and living life that way. :3 I could still, but they do like the freedom of running around the yard. As of right now, I wouldn't be able to walk more than one husky. My core strength is gone for now.

Good Morning. :3

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 17:31:15 )
@Koah: lol... oh yeah... the elastic feeling. That's a weird one, isn't it?
A couple of weeks ago, I weed-whacked a couple 'long grass' areas of our yard for much the same reason. :3

So what do you have in store for today - anything fun?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 17:43:22 )

★彡 @Koah: Really? o.o
Your superhuman in my eyes, I have fallen that rabbit hole like many people (T▽T)彡★


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 18:03:52 )
@Wildfire: Today, I'll be offline for a bit. I got appointments and a big ultrasound.
So yay, baby checking.

@Purpsy: lol, I do, however, fall down the rabbit hole of Tiktok for about an hour a day. XDD But the videos are super short and I tend to get off tiktok giggling about the humor shared there. :3

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 18:17:40 )

★彡 @Koah: Ugh yeah I get you =w=
Once upon a time I did have tiktok installed on my phone and then I uninstalled it like a month later. Not only did the app heat up my phone, I just never got around to use it more.

And then there's Youtube shorts... got addicted on that more xDD 彡★


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 18:34:48 )
@Koah: Oh good luck! <3

I did some gardening earlier and I just got done doing about 25 minutes of yoga/pilates to help stretch out my poor sore back! I think I'm going to go sit in the sun and read (and lurk around a bit), but I don't have anything else really planned for the day today.

I get sucked in to the wormhole of avatar sites... sometimes social media, but I don't check them very often (because most of them are just so angry and mean and frustrating at this point!!)


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/11 22:12:30 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: I've only shared snippet of the tech issues. but i can't paint or draw on canvases larger than 1200x1200.
it doesn't sound like a big deal but i have to make stickers at 2800x2800 at the very least lol.
and so the lines don't come out fuzzy most paint on much bigger it's kinda limiting.
Brushes also have the issue of turning out the same in my program texture wise, it has very poor graphics, and the screen has a blue tint
that gives me constant migraines and it also makes black and white images, very flat. like you can't see the deep shadows well.
so overall...this computer is terrible LOL.

i probably should've at least gotten a screen tablet as you just plug it in but screen tablet will not look the same as laptop's screen lol.
so i have a lot of issues in my art as i can't tell if it's me personally of my tech.
so all i feel i can do is flat artwork.

for me i've always liked art. i don't know how to not be an artist. i've always wanted to be an artist and create things i like or to inspire others.
i just meant some people only see art as the aesthetic where everything is amazing. Like whenever i have voiced sometimes i hate art
people seem to think i should just quit...when in reality, i still enjoy it. at timrs its just not easy. wasnt saying you think that way. but sometimes generally speaking people do.

i mostly just don't like studying. or starting a new study but that is more routed back to my adhd and having the difficulty to focus.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/12 14:22:54 )
@MoodyB: Those are some serious technical issues when it comes to making art on screen. :( That's good that you do enjoy art, despite all the challenges you're apparently facing... and that was the difference I was trying to convey in my earlier post. Also, people who look at completely aesthetically pleasing art are limited in their view - there's more to art than making pretty pictures :3

Good morning.
I am sore this morning! The dog kicking me last night isn't helping, I think...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/12 17:29:07 )
@Wildfire: your avi is like you in your garden. I like it. :D

My appt went well. It was a long one. I just woke up and I feel fried from yesterday. XD I got plans tonight, so I need to find some pep before then.

@Purpsy: My husband uninstalled tiktok because he prefers the rabbit holes of youtube. especially now that youtube added the 'shorts' thing. :d
But, I still make him watch a few tiktok videos. Cx
I kinda feel bad because my friends send me a lot of youtube videos and if it's longer than 2 minutes, I typically don't watch it. XP

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/12 18:43:48 )
@Koah: hehehe... yeah... me in the garden :3

I'm glad your appointment went well, and I hope your plans tonight go well. Are you doing anything particularly fun?

We're supposed to be going out tonight too... gonna hit the beach and get dinner watching the sun set over the Gulf of Mexico. It has been a while since we've done that and it's time... before it gets overrun with Spring Breakers XD


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/12 18:55:12 )
@Wildfire: my roommate and I are going to go see the local burlesque show. See if it's any good. She's never seen a burlesque show, so she's super excited.
I'm trying to muster up that excitement. lol. XD
Your date tonight sounds like it will be beautiful and relaxing. <3 It's weird to think how soon spring break is coming. o.o'

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/12 19:34:19 )
@Koah: Oh that could be fun (I've never been to one either).
Yes, it should be nice tonight - it's always nice to watch the sun set over the sand and water like that. It's hard not to think of Spring Break here when I see almost more out-of-state plates than Florida plates on cars when I go out these days...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/12 22:40:22 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: And i've run into yet another main laptop has decided restarting is a bad idea.
meaning, it takes hours to load...and not an exaggeration at all.
It took me until about...8pm for it to actually i can no longer restart my laptop without
having the fear i'll lose everything.
so laptop is now suddenly trying to be on it's last legs.

I backed up everything but now i have to use a more limiting laptop with smaller space, and my usb is nearly maxed from backing up
my stream vids and overall all art lol.
so that was...anxiety inducing lol.

Yeah. I really want to make art that inspires people no matter where they are in life to enjoy my work and spark something in them as well.
I want to be better at my story telling in my art and eventually make a small book of my favorite art works. and maybe make a little story next to
the art pieces in the book too.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/13 00:46:21 )

★彡 @Koah: Yeah I'm the same way, I love shorts because it doesn't require me to watch a 2 minute video. Is even super addictive scrolling before bed time which caused me a number of sleepless nights... (^▽^;)

I think Youtube shorts are more pg friendly. I remember scrolling down on tiktok before and I find some vids there umm something... 彡★


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