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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 17:46:21 )
@Wildfire: My husband and I have never really focused on valentine's day. We used to just do a quick walmart run and give eachother 5-10$ worth of stuff each. But, neither of us enjoy going to walmart anymore. lol. XD

Congrats on page 600! :3 This thread has come along nicely. C:

@Purpsy: I am totally loving your anti-vday avi too! <3 :DD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 17:54:16 )
Koah, we haven't really either... for a couple years early in our marriage, maybe, but we don't usually buy in to the "shoulds" of our commerce-heavy culture. We may, like tonight, go out to eat, but we tend to keep it low-key and local, and there were many years where the most we'd do was have a slightly more special dinner that I cooked and a few flowers on the table. Or a movie, cuddled on the couch. Or a sunset on the beach or at a park. /shrug/

I don't blame you for not wanting to go to Walmart. It's overwhelming, crazy and chaotic to say the least, and I'm tired of spending money at one of the three or four major retailers still in existence in this day and age :/


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 18:11:23 )
@Wildfire: My friend that works with my husband just threw me a text, warning me there's a storm brewing at work and my husband will likely come home pissy. :T It's gunna be a day today. He rarely gets pissy, so if she's warning me. Somethings going on that's got everyone on edge.

We don't have a lot around here for variety stores. So I'm stuck going to walmart or bimart or kmart. lol

I might get my husband a few cheap things to help his mood improve when he gets home.

I'm going to disappear for a bit. Now my mood is a little wonky-

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 18:17:28 )
@Koah: Oh boy... I'm sorry to hear that something is going on at work that's likely to upset your husband (& you). Maybe it'll all resolve itself by the end of his day? *fingers crossed* Good luck. <3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 18:18:56 )

★彡 @Wildfire: Oh true and congrats!
(〜^∇^ )〜

@koah: Thanks! I'm in love with it too❤ 彡★


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 18:20:28 )

★彡 @Wildfire: omg yaaasss
I love your anti avi too! 彡★


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 18:26:43 )
@Purpsy: LOL <3 You inspired me to play a bit XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 18:40:58 )

★彡 @Wildfire: Well I'm glad you joined the club xD 彡★


Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 18:48:33 )
LOL - it was a good excuse to make another avatar ;)


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/14 21:49:11 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: i was surprised it worked because this laptop has 16GB on it.
but i forgot a friend gave me sai a while back.
so that didn't take much room at all. My usual program Clip studio paint would probably take
a lot more space. so i am fine with using a less fancy and more basic program.
and Now applying to jobs over on DeviantArt so i am hoping for the best lol.

only problem tho is having to keep both laptops opened because my wireless earphones don't
show up on my Blue laptop's bluetooth devices.
but it's an adjustment i'll get used to over time im sure.
but blue laptop definitely you can see the difference when i draw like my asus is just so bad
meanwhile my HP is really nice. if that makes any sense lolol.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/15 14:20:57 )
@MoodyB: It sounds like technical chaos!!! But it sounds like technical chaos that, although not ideal, at least you can make work for your needs. :3 I'm just happy for you that you can keep working... even if the specifics of your set up is a little weird XD What kinds of jobs are you applying for on Deviant Art - commissions or actual jobs for the site?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/15 14:27:47 )
Good morning!

How are you this morning?
How was your evening?

Hubby and I went out last night, had a lovely meal and enjoyed a chilly evening in one of the local little towns. We ended up getting a drink at a very small outside bar in the area (seriously, the bar seats 10), listening to live music, surrounded by small heaters (because it was ~45*F... Brrr XD ) and enjoying the company of the other locals who were there. We were home early (which is fine). It was a nice evening.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/15 17:43:46 )
@Wildfire: I drove out to my husband's work yesterday and we talked and cleared the air of what was happening at work. He'd already resolved the drama with his bosses.
Anywho, today's a new day.
Your evening last night sounds beautiful. Small bar settings are the best. <3 45f is pretty chilly even by my standards. lol.

your avi looks cool! :D

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/15 19:19:38 )
@Koah: I'm glad the drama with your hubby and work got resolved. :3
It was a good evening for us last night.

Unfortunately, me running a couple small errands was enough to tweak my back again so as soon as I get lunch, I'm off to the couch and the heating pad (seriously, I was carrying a hand-held shopping basket with a couple of those "make it yourself" blanket kits in it and it was enough to throw me out of kilter /big eyeroll/)... so I'll be lurking and checking in with the phone (so excuse any stupid "typos"/autocorrect)...

What is in store for you today?


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/15 21:39:13 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: haha yeah same.
i even got my stream figured out. i stream art mostly because it helps me get work done when a lot of days
i just feel like a slacker lol.

Deviantart has a forum section where people offer jobs. essentially commissions. Like "i have a budget for $60 and want a portrait of my girlfriend.
Looking for anime style" etc.
i applied for roughly...4 or 5.
so i'm hoping someone gets back to me.
but my shop has gotten more visits just from applying jobs i think.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/16 00:11:11 )
@Wildfire: I feel your pain, but only because I'm pregnant. I can't even push a grocery cart without aggravating something within my body.
Will you try and see a chiropractor or anything? Might be a pinched nerve.

My son finished school early, so I ended up falling asleep for 3 hours. Cx

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/16 01:18:15 )
@MoodyB: oh good! I'm glad you got your stream figured out. I can definitely see how that might encourage you to do more work!
It has been a long time since I've been on DA so I wasn't sure what changes they may have made. Are you getting commissions? I hope so!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/16 01:22:10 )
@Koah: yikes! I'm sorry you're feeling the pregnancy that keenly!

Yay for just getting his schoolwork done early! ... You must have really needed that nap! With the stress you had yesterday, I'm not surprised,tbh. <3

Whatever is going on with me is mostly muscle and soft tissue. The heating pad helps. I may make and appointment for a massage if this doesn't resolve itself soon... And yeah... I have an appointment with my chiropractor next week. If I though this was more structural than soft tissue,I would have been to see her already.


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/16 01:28:09 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: Yeah tho it did keep cutting out.
but it lets me draw smoothly during stream at least.
but may still wait until i can get a better device for it lol.

Nothing yet. im hoping i can apply to as many as i can, while improving and eventually
get something...and pray the person is nice too LOL.
but i feel i can do at least some of these. only bad side is my art may just not be what they are looking for.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/02/16 01:37:38 )
@MoodyB: your art not being exactly what somebody is looking for is always a possibility, but if they hire you, you should have confidence that they like what they saw in your portfolio.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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