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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 16:28:38 )
@Koah: Aaah... gotcha. I hope hubby is feeling fine and that he's just tired from running around a lot.
Oh yeah, shark week is just so much fun /eyeroll/ Good luck with that... I know it doesn't help when you're also dealing with everything else that tends to happen within a family's average week!

Technically, both sons still live at home. The eldest is almost 20 and is showing no signs of trying to move out yet (which is smart, given everything that's going on); the youngest recently turned 18 and has basically been a gypsy crashing at his GF's and probably in his truck since his birthday (which is, no doubt, highly educational for him, but not necessarily the smartest option /eyeroll/ )

If I make that salad, I'll share the recipe with you - it's something I haven't made in a while, so I'll need to find the recipe for a refresher anyway ;)


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 16:39:56 )
@Wildfire: That is definitely the smartest way to go during our lovely pandemic. I got a couple of family members that went back home and dropped paying rent when covid hit. Your youngest sounds like a puppy that just got let off a leash and is exploring everything. lol. [I do mean this in a funny/good way]
I just remember we paid hundreds of dollars on a dog trainer on my first husky [our oldest and best husky], and anytime he got off-leash, he was GONE and refused to listen.

I won't refuse another helpful recipe. C:

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 16:54:01 )

@Wildfire: Yeah I can see why =w=
Good morning!

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 16:54:09 )
@Koah: Yes, my youngest is... interesting. He's wonderful and sweet and smart and funny, but he's the one I always wrestled with to get anything done that resembled school, etc. He has always been strong-willed and independent and stubborn... but motivated and ambitious. He prefers to learn hands-on, and do everything the hard way (or so it seems). I have no doubt he's learning a lot about himself and the world around him, but as a parent, it can be difficult (but also wonderful) to witness...

It's funny how dogs do that, huh? They get out of their usual zone and BAM! they're gone, zooming around the neighborhood! XD


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 16:56:11 )
@Purpsy: lol! They are the letters that I tend to "hybrid" when I write ;)
Good morning! How are you today so far? Do you have any plans for the day today?

I'm going to go shower off my workout... brb.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 17:10:35 )

@Wildfire: Take your time then :3
I just woke up not long ago and yes but is the same per usual. I'm just doing my cursive writing excercises while having my fresh cup of coffee to get it done and over with. Then I need to finish that cupcake design by today.

How is yours going?

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 17:12:14 )
@Purpsy: I love all the cute cafe items!
Such a fun event idea!!

@Wildfire: yesterday was a pretty good day. Any day I can spend on Voltra is good. ^^

Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 17:17:26 )
@Wildfire: your youngest son sounds like my older brother. He was a hands-on kinda guy, didn't do well in reading and comprehension. but he's a determined and stubborn guy. Super nice person. but he had his 'after graduation' wild-spree. He moved across the country for a year and came home to crash from that. <3 I love my brothers. I only got 2 out of my 9 siblings. XD

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 17:46:53 )
I am back. And I am clean! XD

@Purpsy: lol. The cupcake deadline is a self-imposed one, right? ...I'm not missing something from the contest, am I?

@Lina: <3 It's good to have you back, spending time with us! :3 Do you have any plans for today?

@Koah: LOL! Yeah... academics is not his thing. He's smart enough for them but just isn't interested. I think I'm going to graduate him from high school this year instead of dragging it out for another year so he can finish his A.A. through the dual-enrollment program, since he's obviously more interested in exploring and working and making his mark on the world than he is on finishing the college degree. You really have a huge family, don't you? You don't see too much of that any more...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:05:28 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

hiiiiiiiii :3 i rolled by earlier, but you were offline, so stopping by again! \o/
how are you today?

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:26:12 )
@Vixen: Hey Vixen! <3 How are you? I'm sorry I apparently missed you the last time you rolled through. How have you been?


Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:31:05 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: just keep waking up and being like "I want to do absolutely nothing."
No status at this time.
it's not going to arrive until next week as it takes 7-15 business days and it's only been 5 business days.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:31:16 )

@Wildfire: There's still a deadline if that's what your trying to say? I just wanted to finish this one soon because I want to enter the other drawing contest as well oh and possibly do the cake decoration too ^^


Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:34:58 )
@MoodyB: I understand that mood. Been there, done that... fairly recently too. Relax, if that's what you need and want to do. There's nothing wrong with that at all! So your tablet might actually be here in a few more days? That's encouraging! :3

@Purpsy: I know there's a deadline - I was wondering if it was sooner rather than later, but it's just your personal deadline and not the contest's deadline for all entries. Gotcha :)


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:35:26 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: no worries!
work is busy as usual, so haven't been online as much
but cafe theme got be back here making avatars haha

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:37:31 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: i was planning to cancel stream today
but i think i will still go through with it. just so i can finish some smaller projects
that i have lying around since my other piece i was working on which was old just isn't working out.

so i may have to scrap most of it or just redraw it completely lol.

hopefully. im getting so bored LOL.
i just want to paint.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:38:26 )
I both feel like going out... and not.
We could use more coffee and a couple of little things at the store, but I don't feel like dealing with people and masks and all the anxiety that seems rampant everywhere these days. I could go for a bike ride or something to enjoy the very pretty day that it is out there, but that requires more work than I feel like exerting right now... and I already had a workout today. And if I go out, then I won't be able to work on those graphics that I should be working on (but don't feel like working on - lol!) *sigh* Choices, choices... LOL! *grumbles "stupid covid-world!!"*


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:40:23 )
@Vixen: Oh yeah, I BET this theme has just been pulling at you, demanding you show up here, hasn't it?! <3 XD Is it living up to your expectations so far?

@MoodyB: Doing your streaming sounds like a good idea - it doesn't need to be a high pressure thing, right? It sounds like a good opportunity to finish up a couple little things, then you can go paint!! :3

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:44:12 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: oh yes i'm so very looking forward to see lin all the new chapters
maybe i should host an avatar contest.... i realllllly want to see what sort of maid and butler avatars people can make lol

I am not an actual NPC.

avatar closetshop
please @ me

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 18:45:48 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: yup. true. and i dont want my stats to drop too low.
since im working to get to a certain thing with my stream account.

I cant paint on this tablet lol.
it just doesn't let me paint.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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