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Posted in Upcoming Releases Posted 4 years ago
KDA Drew:
*programs any pixel plants you equipped to be dead specifically for your avi* 🤣

Thanks friend. XD I could never keep plants alive because I don't even give myself enough water. /shot Meanwhile one of my cats seems obsessed with water. Total hydro homie.
Posted in Upcoming Releases Posted 4 years ago
Thanks so much for the updates!! Looking forward to the event!! Plants aren't my thing because I manage to kill every single one that comes to my house, but pixellated plants shouldn't be so bad. xDD Looking forward to everything to come, and thanks so much to the staff for continuing to bring us wonderful things!! <333
Posted in Selling Added More = Open Posted 4 years ago
@The Monster: Thank you so much! <3 I put the volts in the trade.
@Kay: if your offer still stands, I'll take it! I'll send a trade. Feel free to cancel if you changed your mind. Thanks in advance! <3
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
The first part of my day was pretty shitty honestly, but the last part has been good overall. Tomorrow should be good too, though I don't really have any plans lol. I'm just happy to be off work tomorrow.

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Honestly all the political terms make my eyes cross. Never paid much attention when we were learning that stuff in high school. I need like a "American Government 101" class or something.
@Wildfire: Glad you're hanging in there. Wish I had the motivation to clean. xD

I like how everyone in this thread has hella cute avis lol.
@Wildfire: Good to see you too. :) I'm doing well. Went on vacation for 2 weeks around the beginning of this month, and returned to work this previous Monday. It's been draining, but I'm getting by.

How about yourself?
How has everyone been? I haven't been here for a while.
Bumping this puppy up because I still want the SUPER!nova if anyone has a spare to sell/trade? ;A;
Posted in Selling Added More = Open Posted 4 years ago
@The Monster: Do you still have the Unique Bases? If so, I'd like to offer your asking price of 5k for it.
I love it so much Masa!!! <333 Really well-done for your first time making the bag! The art goes so well with the colours you chose too.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Glad I have the ocean breeze to keep nasty weather away too.

I prefer being trained over training someone else. xD I always feel like I'm gonna miss something if I train someone else, but I always take notes if I'm being trained on something.
Posted in [B] Listed Items ++ ([S] temporarily Closed) Posted 4 years ago
@dragoness129: So sorry for the delay! I put in the crates, and thanks for buying! <3