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Posted in Cooking Mishaps Posted 4 years ago
@CooperationIsKey: Ooh, that sounds like a nice dessert. Hope it turns out well!

My sister is making cookies today (not sure what kind) for Father's Day, so looking forward to trying them.

Right?! I just...what would possess someone to do such a thing?! I know the answer, but eughhh!!
Nice avis, you two. :)

I'm avoiding packing, ha.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Depression-brain has definitely gotten me before, so I know the feels!

I'm slowly sipping my caffeine. ouob Avoiding packing...yay.
Posted in Cooking Mishaps Posted 4 years ago
@CooperationIsKey: I haven't tried the muffins again, but I'm not opposed to trying them again lol. Baking is surprisingly very forgiving depending on what you're trying to make. Did you make either of those breads yet?

I'm glad I didn't try the tea. It probably would have put me off tea for a WHILE.

Saw a Tiktok this morning of a dude who finished washing dishes and was gathering the food bits that got caught in the drain and he put them in his mouth and...*barfing emote* I'm not sure I've ever felt so ill after watching a video.
Posted in Cooking Mishaps Posted 4 years ago
One time attempted to make mocha muffins, which called for a lot of cocoa powder and a little espresso. I didn't make sure the batter was "wet" enough, and baked them for too long, so they were very dry and almost like bricks. ^^; Tasted fine, but execution wasn't there haha.

One time at work, someone mistook salt for sugar and made "salt tea" instead of sweet tea. The residents were not amused. xD;
Posted in Post your Rants Posted 4 years ago
I'm SO tired of people's lack of respect and the entitlement they have in my line of work.

Had a family come in to visit a resident (their loved one). Brought a kid with them, and we're not even allowed to have them in the building yet. Fine, I'm not going to argue with the family because FFS I'm so tired of saying NO to everything. Especially if he's wearing his mask and being polite.

I ask if they've been vaccinated, per protocol, and they answer no. Fine and dandy, idc what people's reasons are anymore. I inform them that it's our policy for those who aren't vaccinated, to wear both a face mask AND a face shield, and they say okay and take it with them. No sooner do they turn the corner and give the face shields to the nurse and say "we don't need them" and proceed up to their loved one's room.

I DIDN'T FUCKING TELL YOU OUR POLICY FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES!!! Luckily our staff are familiar with policy, so the nurse called me immediately to confirm that I gave them the shields because they're not vaccinated, so she had to chase them down and re-inforce the policy. I so fucking tired. SO. FUCKING. TIRED. of people not thinking about others. Bad enough you didn't get the vaccine (yes, I'm hella judgmental, sue me) but to not consider you're putting others at risk by disobeying policy??? I swear if I wasn't in the position I am, I'd go off on these type of people. But I keep my mouth shut. *upside-down smiley emote*
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Glad he's doing well also!!

I've been busy lately, and too tired to log in lol. But I have the next few hours to post. We'll see if motivation lasts. xP
Posted in Job advice? Posted 4 years ago
I was going to suggest something like a mail room sorter (for lack of a better term) if you want to stay away from people as much as possible.

If you're okay with people, perhaps look into the hospitality route, such as hotels/resorts or senior living facilities? I work in the latter, and started as a receptionist, but have done a little of everything from each department haha. I have a degree, sure, but it's not been useful for the job, so my point is you may not need a degree or certification depending on what you're interested in.

You may also consider accounts payable positions, wherein you help with financials for a company by creating/sending invoices and managing the books. Depending on the job title and job description, you may not need a degree or even experience. Part of my job is to process invoices and statements to our home office so that they can write checks to the various vendors we use. No degree necessary--literally just collecting invoices from all the managers we have, and forwarding them to our accounts payable team so they can monitor our budget and spending.
I'm tired and can't take a nap. Wouldn't mind caffeine, except I only have coffee, and I actually want tea or soda. Halp lol.
Posted in Beauty's Boutique - [B Some/S A Lot] Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Thanks! Trade sent.
@CooperationIsKey: You're welcome! I know building your first avi can take forever, but I'm sure it'll look awesome in the end!

AMA: Nice! What did you do?
@Purpsy: Oh, so either way should be a win!

I need to figure out what I want for dinner...
Posted in Beauty's Boutique - [B Some/S A Lot] Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Would you accept a Silent Knight and 7k for the following?
Guardian Spark - 5k
Skullie Head
Survivor Crafted Armor
Twin's Spells x1
Vaughn's Belt
Vichard's Face
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Aww, I hear you on that Masa. -offers hug- I felt that when I knew it was probably my hedgehog's time to go. Just enjoy your time with your kitters while you can. Capture as many good memories as you can too!