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Posted in Unpacking... Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Thanks lol. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone important, but if so, hopefully the address forwarding I did with USPS kicks that mail to my new address, and then I'll know to change it there too.
Posted in Unpacking... Posted 4 years ago
I'm sorry, I made this thread and then completely forgot about it, so without further ado...

@Totalanimefan: I thiiiink I got all the necessary address changes done. Only one I'm waiting to do is my son's school, but I'm waiting to hear back from them about who to give that information to. But yes, moving is such a task that I hope nobody ever has to do alone.

@Anarchist Beauty: If I didn't have trust issues, I'd pay someone to pack and unpack my things for me lol. But also, need more money for that. :P

@koneko: I'm glad your experience with moving this most recent time seemed overall a good one. ^^ There are some things I enjoyed packing over others, and getting them unpacked was a cinch. Like I left my clothes on their hangers and just kinda folded them into boxes, so all I had to do was take them out and hang them up again haha.

@LilMissKushy: Omg I can't imagine moving that much in such a short time. x-x I'm glad your last move wasn't so bad, and hope you get to stay there for a while!

@pachi: What is this Japanese moving service that you speak of? :o
Today was really productive at work, so feeling pretty good lol. Hope everyone else had a great day!
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
I'd also love an undo button, but would be okay without as well.

Seconded on the avi love for wrik! <3 Super cute!
Posted in Happy Merica Day! Posted 4 years ago
Came here to say that I indeed do love your 'MURICA avi. xD

Gonna attempt to cook out and maybe do fireworks at my parents' if the weather holds up. Right now it's raining, but not sure if it'll stay that way. I'm not upset if we can't do either of those things, because either way we'll have food at least.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Exactly! I mean my quest list is made of items I thiiink I'd use, but I'm afraid of being disappointed with the way they fit or something. xP
Oh wow, that sounds really bad.

Saw on the news the other day that there was a huge landslide in Japan, with at least 19 missing at that point in time. I can't even imagine dealing with all that.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Aww, that sounds so sweet!

I love the idea of making avis for other people, and having others do the same for me. Makes me wish we had a dream avi system here, but I know it's probably in the works or on the to-do list somewhere!
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
OH! I get exactly what you mean because I've made avis like that lol. I was SUCH a perfectionist for colour balance when I was on Ernya. But sometimes I look back on avis and wonder wtf was in my head when I made that. xD
I'm not bothered if the weather does ruin things for us. Not like fireworks expire (at least not soon) lol.
@vengeance: I'm glad you're fine, and sorry to hear about your illness! I'm doing fine though. Feeling really chatty for some reason, so doing that to kill time before I decide to go to my parents' for food and possibly fireworks, though looks like the weather has other plans.
@vengeance: Long time, no see. How've you been?
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
What would you consider your aesthetic to be?

I know the feels though. I struggle with making cutesy avis because I'm much more favored towards creepy or not so cutesy stuff.
@Wildfire: Oh yes! We've known about the possibility of family coming since the beginning of this year I think? Maybe sooner than that. But we haven't seen them in a couple years since they live across the country. We love traveling out that way, because that's where fiance is from, but obviously covid has put a damper on things.