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@Totalanimefan: Hey! It's been a very long time, good to see you!!
Cornbread sounds awesome right now, I wish I knew more places to get it!
I don't think we have Hanks or IBC here. Dad's is one of the other rootbeer brands I like, but it's not very common I don't think?


@Totalanimefan: Oooh, cornbread is good! I love cornbread! Especially from this one particular place, and I haven't had it in so long T_T
Root beer is definitely hit and miss, and everyone has their favourite. I'm personally partial to A&W root beer, but I'll drink Mug or Barq's if there's no other options. Although I ordered delivery from A&W a couple days ago and the fountain rootbeer tasted really weird...
I've had friends tell me it tastes like toothpaste xD

@sunny: We stayed in the Bayswater area, visited the British Museum twice (and it still wasn't enough!), one of the Imperial War museums, Hyde Park, 221B Baker Street, Abbey Road studios (my dad and I are Beatles fans), we rode the London Eye, I talked people into going to the Museum of Modern Art. I think we might've gone to the National Gallery as well? It was back in 2008 so I'm having trouble remembering without looking at our photos xDD

We also spent a week in Penzance, Cornwall while we were there! Penzance was amazing, and even more like home because it was right on the seaside! It's crazy how things have hardly changed their in 200 years (we visited a local museum and saw photos from the 1800s). We also went on this amazing tour of some of the historical sites, but sadly the guy who ran that has since passed away =(


@Wildfire: Good morning!!

Ooh, dis-invent something? What an interesting question!!

I would love to say something like "computer glitches" but then I wouldn't have a job xDD and there's no such thing as a perfect piece of software, we're only human xDD

Are we allowed to uninvent concepts? I'd love to un-invent bullying!

An item I'd un-invent though? That's tricky...

My friends said "laptops with speakers on the bottom" and "plastic"


@sunny: It was! I had a chance to go again several years later, but we ended up only being over there for 46 hours =(
I want to go back so badly, there's so much I still haven't had a chance to see

Ohh, Asda sounds interesting. I wonder if they import some American stuff if they're owned by Wal-mart =O


@sunny: I always love comparing things between Canada and the UK, 'cause there are a few things we don't get here that I think are pretty common over there.
I was lucky enough to visit London about 10 years ago and it was amazing how similar it felt to home. I actually felt more at home in London than I do in the States when I visit there xD

I really hope you're able to get some mac & cheese. It's super quick and easy, and also works well as a base for other dishes. My boyfriend taught me about "chili mac" - can of chili and a box of mac & cheese, prep both as normal and then mix!


Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 2 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Haha, it sure does. Especially between work and things starting to open back up. Doesn't help that I've been addicted to a Pokemon browser game xD
Spam threads sound like a good plan, I might have to go dig mine up xD

I don't remember what the default theme looks like anymore, haha, I've been using the dark one for so long because easier on the eyes.

I used to change my avi a ton, but I'm still working on building up my inventory. We've got a lot of great commons, so I've been trying not to focus too hard on the crate & orb items
I had a hard time picking a face too, most of my avis are the same face with different eye colours to differentiate between characters xDDD


Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 2 years ago
Anarchist Beauty:
      Alchemists Fire: Which theme are you using?
      You could always find specific decorations for your post styles for each avi OC you have.
      I've always been one who likes to match my post style to my avi.
      I was going to do it again for my current, but couldn't think of anything I liked. lol
      Plus I am changing her today to an 'after Vday' darker look.
      I think I might have an idea on a post decoration for that avi though, so we'll see.

@anarchist beauty: And then I disappear for 6 months xD
I'm using the Trick or Treat theme, as I prefer darker colours (easier on the eyes), and I love Halloween.
Decorations might be a better way to do it than font colours, I'm always concerned about legibiltiy because one of the other sites I'm on has sorta strict rules about it.

I probably haven't changed my avi in over a year, I really should let one of my other OCs have some time running around the site xDD


Posted in Puppy pic! Posted 2 years ago
Awww, what a little sweetheart!! Congrats on your new pupper!

Posted in I HAVE A NEW OBSESSION Posted 2 years ago
@PashminaPanda: That derpy little squeaky frog is one of my absolute favourite things in the entire animal kingdom xDDD

Also, the video of the baby panda sneezing is forever my favourite funny animal video. I laugh so hard every time I see it xD


Ooh, I wonder if the sites have Canadian stuff too, or if it's just generally North American? Although, Canada gets a lot of stuff that the UK also gets so I'm not sure how many of the things I'd suggest that you'd have anyway xDD

I can't recall which side of the pond they're from, but:
- Twix bar
- Mars bar (I think the same thing in the US is called a Milky Way)
- Coffee Crisp (you might get that in the UK 'cause it's Nestle)
- Oreos (original or double stuffed)
- pop tarts (strawberry's always a good staple)
- Twizzlers or Red Vines (red licorice) - I personally prefer Twizzlers, but my boyfriend likes Red Vines, so it's very much personal preference

I also have to second the Kraft Dinner Mac & Cheese! In Canada they've branded it as "KD" (just short for Kraft Dinner), the original is good but I find it a little bland, I'd recommend the Sharp Cheddar as your first try and then the Spicy Cheddar if you like the sharp one =)

I saw someone else suggested Hamburger Helper. That's not so much a snack as something to make meal prep easier - it's like cake mix but instead of adding water and an egg you add 1lb/500g of ground beef xDD


Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 3 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Yeahh, like I'm admittedly having a little trouble reading my own purple text on the site skin I'm using xDD
Makes me think I should abandon my post style and just use the regular text so it auto-converts for everyone who's reading it

I'm also not sure it's worth signing every post with the avi I'm dressed as


Posted in The Surge: New Knick-Knack! Posted 3 years ago
The chairs are so cute! Thank you! Happy discount chocolate day! (since I'm a day late, lol)

Posted in CLOSED Posted 3 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I will admit it's pretty easy to manipulate the quiz for most of the questions, but I answered honestly. I'm sure I could sort myself into Gryffindor and Slytherin if I wanted to.
I understand not being crazy about the split House thing, it adds so many complications.

Oh god, I didn't realize about Remus and Tonks...nooo...that's it, I'm living in my pre book 5 headcanon forever T_T
I didn't mind book 5 aside from the fact that good lord is it long and Harry's so whiny and angsty, and losing Sirius HURT like HELL...but yeah nope, as far as I'm concerned everyone's alive (except Moldywart, he can go away).

That's a brilliant idea. I have a couple of tumblrs, and I think I created blogs that I was going to post to as if it was the OCs posting to them, but it just ended up being too time-consuming, and BJD tumblr is a horribly negative community, so I basically ditched the whole site. I've recently re-joined, mostly for Loki fanfic and gifs and whatever, because he's my current obsession xD

I wish I had more free time (weekends are never enough, lol), cause I'd love to write some ridiculous self-serving drabble with a few people/characters. I'd love to hear more about your self-indulgent piece of nonsense =D


Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 3 years ago
My Classic Rock Playlist on TIDAL (since I've ditched Spotify)
Current song is "I Can See for Miles" by The Who
