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Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago
Hey friends! I'm sorry for just disappearing about two weeks ago, went down to spend some time with my boyfriend for his birthday
We watched a bunch of spooky movies, and it was great! Only thing that sucked was I caught a cold =(
I'm so unbelievably far behind in this event xD First one I've participated in, too!
Would love to help get to page 50! We've got 2 more days to do milestones, yes?
@sunny: I realize this thread is ancient now but I had to post a snack idea I totally forgot about

I have such a bad craving for the lunchables pizza kits right now xD
Lunchables pepperoni pizza (this is the one I just had and am craving more of)
Lunchables cheese pizza (this one has two kinds of cheese, and is also good)
Posted in [B] Reaper of Space x2 | [H] Ohms Posted 2 years ago
@sunny: My apologies, I was away for two weeks! I would still love this if it's available!
@Wildfire: Yup. Vacation, vacation from vacation, sleeeeeeeep. I totally agree

and before I got to post this HE'S HEEEEEEERE!!!

Thanks for the quick chats everyone, have fun with the rest of the event!

@Wildfire: I totally know what you meant about vacation from vacation, I'm gonna be away for 2 weeks and come home and go straight back to work, is gonna be exhausting xD Thankfully I work for a college so we get winter break, I just have to make it through November and half of December!!

@Totalanimefan: Very! And he's only an hour away now, eeeee! He's gonna get here before I finish work xDD
@Borealis: Ooh, what kinda retail therapy are you longing for?
Also booo delayed uber eats, give Borealis that Subway!
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, tons to do! I think we're also gonna go see the Marvel exhibit that opened at OMSI this past weekend. Which reminds me I need to buy tickets =)
Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies Posted 2 years ago
@Wildfire: Going down to Portland to spend time with my boyfriend for his birthday and for Spooky month! ♥
@Totalanimefan: I'm so excited, ahaha, I know I just saw him in August but it's his birthday and it's Spooky month!

@Shadami: Thank you so much! I can't wait to see him tonight ♥

@Jolly: Thank you! Thankfully work is quiet so far today (working from home, doing remote support), so I've got time to do other things xD
Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies Posted 2 years ago
@Shadami: Oh cool! I'd love to see what you've done when you get a chance to photograph and post them =D
I can't draw worth beans so I love seeing other people's art ♥
Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies Posted 2 years ago
@Shadami: Yeah, I totally understand not wanting to use the official prompts after all the things. I think the Huevember thing I'm hanging onto is from several years ago, but really, it's just "take a month to go through the whole rainbow"
100 heads sounds like an interesting prompt, do you post them anywhere?

Also, I LOVE your rainbow avi!
@Totalanimefan: Going down to Portland to spend time with my boyfriend for his birthday. He's driving up today, and we're leaving tomorrow morning.
We're gonna stay with his parents tomorrow night and go see some friends I haven't seen for like 4-5 years (stupid pandemic), and then Friday morning meeting more friends for brunch, and then driving back to Portland!
It's gonna be a busy trip, we already have a concert and at least one movie planned XD
@Totalanimefan: Hey! I was hoping we'd get to post together for the event ^^ I really only have today to post, going on vacation tomorrow xD