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Posted in Pantheon Online is Shutting Down Posted 3 years ago
I'm always sad to see avi sites go, even if I didn't know about them =(

From the few examples that were posted, I love the more mature look of the avis. That's one of the things that really attracted me to Ernya, Caedon, and Voltra. Ernya was the first one I was on with "bigger" avis, and I really liked it.


Posted in Its coming Posted 3 years ago
@Starry: I've found my people!! Haha
I would totally keep Halloween decorations out all year round, but my Dad's not a fan so it's hard. I keep then out year-round on Animal Crossing instead 😂


Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 3 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: That sounds like something I would've been all over, I'll keep digging through my saves just in case!!

@Totalanimefan: He's in the US, which I thought I had mentioned a couple of times ^^; I'm not

Might be my bad, i thought i had said when we were visiting each other, but maybe I forgot. I've been trying to be kinda vague about my own location and i guess it's led to confusion. I'm in Canada and my boyfriend is in the US.


Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: That makes sense xDD

@Totalanimefan: Haha, I have no trouble finding plum sauce in the grocery store I regularly shop in. It's my boyfriend that can't find it (we don't live in the same country)

Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: That works! How many times do we have to click "accept" xDDD

Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: OH LOL I got so confused, I also got super-confused about how trading works here, it's been so long haha

Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Absolutely! =)

Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 3 years ago
I'm looking to trade some Crate & Orb Items for some older ones =)

I have:
Catching Stars (x2)
Clamorus (x3)
Forest Sapling
Tropical Trainer - sold

I have no idea what things are worth, so I'll just link to my quest thread because oh god my wishlist is so long I'm sorry

The Alchemist's Quest
My non-common item wishlists start at the 10th post ^^;


This wishlist just keeps getting longer and longer all the time xDD

@Totalanimefan: The grocery stores where I'm from typically have pretty decent international food sections. The one I shop at actually has separate Asian food and Mexican food aisles. No issue finding plum sauce at home, it's in the US I can't find it - my boyfriend wanted some after trying it while he was visiting me.

I'd never looked, but I think there are a few H marts around, but it sounds like there's only 3 of them in the entire metropolitan area I live in, and none of them are close to me XDD


@Totalanimefan: Yeah, pretty far! Definitely enough that preferences are gonna be different. This is completely an assumption, but I would suspect more Cuban things in Florida and more Mexican things in Cali.

I also appreciate when places have a good international section, I also get tired of "white people food", LMAO. I need variety in my food, I need all the different yummy flavours.
Hmm, hoisin wouldn't be the same as plum sauce. And to be fair I wanted plum sauce for dipping chicken strips in xD I'm not a big fan of fish or fish flavoured things, so I wouldn't go for oyster sauce myself. Mmm...I wouldn't add MSG to anything, don't need any extra sodium. Although I don't really know what the purposes of adding it to dishes is XD


I don't know about the value stuff as I've been on and off the site so much, but a chance to get the originals and introducing recolours sounds lovely

I always love when things come out with like rainbow recolours because I have a long-standing dream from like 20 years of avatar sites to just drape my avatar in rainbowsss
