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Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: OH LOL I got so confused, I also got super-confused about how trading works here, it's been so long haha

Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Absolutely! =)

Posted in [T] Clamorus, Catching Stars, Forest Sapling Posted 2 years ago
I'm looking to trade some Crate & Orb Items for some older ones =)

I have:
Catching Stars (x2)
Clamorus (x3)
Forest Sapling
Tropical Trainer - sold

I have no idea what things are worth, so I'll just link to my quest thread because oh god my wishlist is so long I'm sorry

The Alchemist's Quest
My non-common item wishlists start at the 10th post ^^;


This wishlist just keeps getting longer and longer all the time xDD

@Totalanimefan: The grocery stores where I'm from typically have pretty decent international food sections. The one I shop at actually has separate Asian food and Mexican food aisles. No issue finding plum sauce at home, it's in the US I can't find it - my boyfriend wanted some after trying it while he was visiting me.

I'd never looked, but I think there are a few H marts around, but it sounds like there's only 3 of them in the entire metropolitan area I live in, and none of them are close to me XDD


@Totalanimefan: Yeah, pretty far! Definitely enough that preferences are gonna be different. This is completely an assumption, but I would suspect more Cuban things in Florida and more Mexican things in Cali.

I also appreciate when places have a good international section, I also get tired of "white people food", LMAO. I need variety in my food, I need all the different yummy flavours.
Hmm, hoisin wouldn't be the same as plum sauce. And to be fair I wanted plum sauce for dipping chicken strips in xD I'm not a big fan of fish or fish flavoured things, so I wouldn't go for oyster sauce myself. Mmm...I wouldn't add MSG to anything, don't need any extra sodium. Although I don't really know what the purposes of adding it to dishes is XD


I don't know about the value stuff as I've been on and off the site so much, but a chance to get the originals and introducing recolours sounds lovely

I always love when things come out with like rainbow recolours because I have a long-standing dream from like 20 years of avatar sites to just drape my avatar in rainbowsss


Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 2 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I had a reply all written out for this and then my PC crashed xDD

YES! Super-genius. I hope we get similar stripe options for like the basic tee and long sleeve, cause I LOVE stripey tees/sweaters ♥

I went looking through my Ernya items, cause I have screenshots of one of my inventories, and I didn't see wedge sandals, but that may also have been because I wasn't a big fan of most of the shoes.... I always seem to have an issue finding shoes I like on avatar sites xD


Watching the new Sandman series, kinda want to make an avatar of him now

@Totalanimefan: Yup, it's still around, at least in Oregon!
I'm surprised FL and CA would be that different, but I guess different coasts maybe different tastes/demographics?
I've only really spent time in Washington and Oregon because of where my boyfriend lives, and the biggest thing I notice is how small the international food sections are compared to what I'm used to at home - but they both have pretty good sized Mexican food sections, which is just fine by me!!

I know one thing that really surprised me is how difficult it is to find plum sauce in the grocery stores we were shopping in because there aren't a lot of Asian foods. We might have better luck in Oregon than we did in Central Washington though xDD


@Wildfire: Ooh, I like the idea of dis-inventing that kind of ego!
Another idea one of my friends came up with is un-inventing guns, and I agree, I don't even like them when used as tools.
Same friend suggested uninventing the concept of capitalism.

Ooh, I'd love to hear about your creative projects! I have a bunch of things I'd like to do as well, but there never seems to be enough time xD
I just had a long weekend and it was too hot to do anything T_T

Wackiest thing done to help a friend... maybe bought an expensive hobby item from them? (hobby we both share)
Actually, I've done that a couple times for two different friends for the same hobby xDDD


@Totalanimefan: I almost feel like it depends where you shop, like when I've been down in Portland visiting my boyfriend we've had times where we can't find vanilla coke at Wal-mart but it's at Target or Safeway.

That's very possible though, and I don't know if there have been supply chain issues with it at all.

But yeah, one thing I've definitely noticed about the difference between home and the States is the amount of variety available in US supermarkets is astounding xD


@Totalanimefan: Not in the US xD so generally our selection isn't as vast as the US gets
We don't even get vanilla coke anymore T_T


Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 2 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Oh, the browser game? It's called PokeFarm Q (usually shortened to PFQ). It's clicking game where you can hatch Pokemon and hunt shinies and a couple other unique types of specials. There's a bunch of other mechanics, but that's the main thing ^^

Ah okay, I seem to remember I liked the turquoise but the white and yellow were too bright for me xDD

I love our commons, and I haven't checked in for long enough that I should go see what's new! I think one of my favourite things is that we can buy separate "tight stripes" or "stocking stripes" so that the art team doesn't have to do multiple versions just so we can have every combo of colours we might want ♥

I can't think of any avi sites I've been on that I'd call the commons "ass" (maybe really early Gaia? Although they still have issues with none of their shades matching xDDD)
I still miss Ernya's commons, but alas T_T
