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Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 2 years ago
Now playing: Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In - The 5th Dimension (Forrest Gump Soundtrack)
Posted in ୨♡୧ Ana's Wardrobe ୨♡୧ Posted 2 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I guess it speaks to just how much drama was going on with Ernya.
I guess I should go save my Caedon stuff just in case xDD
Also I haven't checked in a while, but I think I forgot to save my Syndrone stuff too...oh yeah, and that's gone now xD (which honestly is fine, I was being bullied on Syn and spent no time there)

I guess this is all part of where my panic-screenshotting of everything on PokeFarm and here comes from xDDD

Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 2 years ago
Juniper's wishlist just got a whole lot longer, so I guess I'm posting for volts to buy her all the commons

Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 2 years ago
Currently listening to: Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds (Forrest Gump Soundtrack)
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 2 years ago
I don't know why I feel like I need my own Undercurrent thread when there are so many I could join and post in, but I feel like being silly and posting in rainbows.

Join me! Use the following link to generate your own rainbow replies: Rainbow Text Generator

You can also use the following link to generate different text gradients: Text Color Fader
Posted in ୨♡୧ Ana's Wardrobe ୨♡୧ Posted 2 years ago
I love so many of your avis!! Looks like enjoy a lot of the same colours too - I spy Coal, Eggplant, and Lime! ♥

I think I had an avi closet thread like this on Ernya, but it's been so long I don't remember. Glad to see there are other Ernya survivors on here and that I'm not alone in the sad T_T

I remember being SO MAD because we were told they were gonna leave it up for 3 days and I had to be up for something in the morning and my parents were basically ordering me to I saved a few things and went to bed....and in the morning it was gone... I saved a fair chunk, but not everything... I should've stayed up... T_T

@Wildfire: It definitely is!!

Generally in the hobby things are sold either as full dolls, or heads and bodies. You don't have to try and source individual appendages xD But yes, skin tones and the way bodies look vary between makers - think of them as individual sculptures basically. I could post links/photos, but the bodies are typically shown naked so it's awkward ^^;

The heads have 3D facial features, but you create the eyebrows, lip colour, makeup, etc. - in the hobby we call it a "faceup" The eyes can be changed out, and hair is wigs rather than rooted like a Barbie or Monster High or whatever =)

I don't do the faces myself, don't have the talent, so I send mine out to a faceup artist. There's one particular artist I love working with, so I think most of my heads are gonna go to her ^^

Posted in Its coming Posted 2 years ago
@Starry: Aww, well I'd be happy to help you get stuff if there's still things you're interested in!!
They've made it a little easier with the market stalls you can get on Harv's Island - you can customize furniture to get alternate colours! Not as much trading required, but so, so many bells xD

I just caught the last bug I needed, the golden stag! So I've got Bugs, Fish, and Fossils done, it's just sea creatures and art I need to finish!

@Wildfire: My day's going okay, pretty quiet and now it's almost over!! I guess this was posted like 7 hours ago so at that time I was just starting work xD

I had a little luck with the orbs and crates, although I got a bunch of duplicates I don't need xD There's still one more item I wouldn't mind having, but I think I'm gonna hold off on spending any more Ohms for now.

Oh, the BJD stuff, yeah xD
I usually try not to buy pieces, because finding bodies can be a real pain (skin tone matching between different companies is tricky). The recent purchases were two heads and a body, and in this case the body I bought matches one of the two heads I bought (same company, same size)
The other head is a second face for a character I'm already working on - basically he'll have two different looks, and the second head will actually be easier to skin tone match a body for, thank goodness.

I really should be focusing on getting bodies for the "floating heads" I have, since there's still 4 of them xD I think what's slowing me down now is a combination of trying to colour-match the heads to bodies I like the look and size of.
The other thing I should really be working on is figuring out what the heads who currently have blank faces are going to look like. A couple of them I've been fussing over trying to figure out since like 2015...

Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 2 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Now that I know exactly what I'm looking for, I can flip through my screenshots again

So far I'm not seeing any trace of them, even from other people's avis that I saved for inspiration. I'm starting to wonder if they were either an item that was added fairly soon before the site shut down or if they were an older item that was maybe daily chance or something - but I've asked in the FB group and will keep hunting!

Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 2 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Ooh, those. I don't think those were commons, they're pretty detailed. I'll keep poking around my screenshots and I'll ask the Survivours group if they recognize those =)

Posted in Me: I will recreate and reuse this old avi Posted 2 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: So I was just poking around in Dashing Kicks, and realized the Chunky Heels remind me a lot of an item I think was on Ernya xD

I'm in a FB messenger group of "Ernya Survivors", maybe I'll reach out to them and see if they know about these gothic wedge heels you mentioned!

Posted in IT'S MY BIRTHDAY Posted 2 years ago
You're very welcome!! Did you do anything fun to celebrate?

Posted in Community Discussion: Recording Available Posted 2 years ago
I could only really attend Sundays before 5pm PDT or Mondays
I work Tues-Sat and can't easily join