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Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago
@CooperationIsKey: Resets don't sound nearly as bad as complete loss, that really sucks, I'm so sorry =(

I've been looking for a way to play Minecraft with my boyfriend on a private server without having to pay or use LogMeIn Hamachi, I thought I found something at one point but neither of us remember anymore =(
@Shadami: Oh nice, haha. We try and alternate trips, but this time we spent a bit of time at my place and about a week at his.
Oooh, enhanced drivers license, nice. My bf did that when he first started coming up, but he's got a passport now because someday we wanna travel outside North America together
@Totalanimefan: I'm kinda glad I'm not done with it yet, definitely wanna spend some time playing more
And yeah, I'm curious about the other past/future themes with Gen 9, but I guess we shall see, release isn't far away now!

I'd love a 2nd Legends game, Johto would be very cool. I kinda hope Legends becomes its own series...

On another note, I totally forgot about the Gaia halloween event, I haven't participated in years but I kinda feel like I should for old time's sake xD
@sunny: So glad I'm not the only one xD Now to figure out how to get myself to a grocery store...since I can't order them on Doordash xD
@CooperationIsKey: Oof, yeah. I still live with my parents so it's basically what I can fit in my bedroom and a bit of the basement xD
I had two of these things from IKEA in red and black, and I think I have one somewhere in lime green now. They were great until one pulled out of my ceiling xDDD

I now have this giant Kallax unit that is effectively an apartment building for my plushies xDDD

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I feel like we don't know much other than the cover legendaries and those other two legend-looking ones that were revealed. I'm kinda excited that S/V look like kind of a mashup of main series and legends arceus type games. I really love Legends Arceus and I hope they do more in that series.
Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies Posted 2 years ago
@MoodyB: Eee, thank you so much for the freeb, she's gorgeous!! ♥

@Shadami: I just found the post where you shared the faces, they all look great! I also love the simple backgrounds, they add so much!
I think my faves so far are #2, #5 & #6 =D

How have the faces been going since then?
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago
@CooperationIsKey: Oh man, it always sucks when things you've been doing for so long are suddenly gone T_T
I'd love to get back into Minecraft, so many new things since I last played for more than a couple hours xDD

@Wildfire: Thank you! I did!!
Getting sick wasn't the worst thing, meant we spent more time staying in and watching spooky movies! haha
I think we watched 10 in total?
@sunny: I don't know why I'm suddenly craving them so bad, haha. I got one pepperoni pizza one, ate it, and then was like "I'd like 6 more of these please"

Totally replying to this two weeks late xD
I live in Canada, my boyfriend's from the US. The post about the "border" was that he was at the border to come north to get me.

Trip was great, many spooky movies were watched and enjoyed, I'm now home and he sadly had to leave T_T
@Totalanimefan: Ahh, your avatar is so cute!! I'm also excited for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, but IDK if I wanna preorder Violet or not, none of the preoder bonuses are all that good xDD
I do kinda want the Tera Pikachu that knows Fly though
@CooperationIsKey: That's pretty awesome, honestly. I wish I had more rainbow stuff, but I'm running out of space. I have so many other collectables, I'm running out of display space and storage space too D:
@Shadami: That's exactly what I did too xD

@CooperationIsKey: I love rainbows, like 90% of the jewellery I make is rainbow xD
I think the plush rainbow I saw is possibly Jellycat brand?
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago
@CooperationIsKey: I miss Minecraft, haven't played in ages, but neck cramp doesn't sound good
My neck muscles are sore because I've been coughing so much, stupid cold =(

also I LOVE your avatar ♥
@CooperationIsKey: Omg skelecado is baby and I want it xD
I saw a plush rainbow in a store the other day and it was so hard to resist but I managed somehow