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Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 2 years ago
Pfft, Chrome just crashed, thank god I didn't lose that post. I hate when it crashes and I lose my long replies
@Wildfire: Kay, I just didn't want there to be any concern when I suddenly don't reply for days in a row xD I've been trying to make a point of spending at least a little time on Voltra every day ^^

It's a short trip, just like 4 days, so no huge plans. We do have a few places we go pretty regularly when he's up here though ^^
He collects Transformers and has started buying 6" action figures for toy photography, so there's a bunch of toy & collectable stores we go and check out.
I'm hoping to go swimming one day, 'cause it's been pretty hot and I miss swimming so much (haven't gone since before the pandemic), and

I'm also hoping to drag him out to a bubble tea place that's kinda far away (but it's not all that far beyond one of the collectables stores), 'cause they're really good and they're the only place I know where you can buy a LITRE of bubble tea xDDDD

Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 2 years ago
I wonder what flavours of bubble tea I should get:
Thai milk tea would be Sunset
Coconut milk tea would be either Cloud, Marshmallow, or Beige
Strawberry milk tea would be either Lilac or Taffy
Milk Tea could be either Tea or Khaki
Taro milk tea would be Lavender
Sunshine or Honey could be Banana milk tea xD
I guess Mint would be Mint milk, or mint oreo or something
Posted in ୨♡୧ Ana's Wardrobe ୨♡୧ Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Ok, awesome, that's good to know.
Out of curiosity, what race did you go with? I'm really torn between Galactic and Animal rn.

@Anarchist Beauty: Do you remember what race you chose on Dappervolk? I'm torn xD
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 2 years ago
Definitely gonna have to get some bubble tea for my avis, and Sunset is the perfect colour for Thai Iced Tea
I might have to get the Iced Latte in Sunset as well, cause it totally looks like Thai Iced Tea with the coconut milk or whatever
Posted in ୨♡୧ Ana's Wardrobe ୨♡୧ Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Hmm, okay, I guess I'll just have to explore =)
Can you change your default skin and stuff later on? Like if I decide I don't like the colour I chose?
@Wildfire: Haha, there is definitely something to be said for simple xD

Also I apologize if I disappear and don't reply for the next couple of days, my boyfriend's coming up to visit!!
He won't be here until later today, so I have a few hours of posting, but I'll be away starting tonight and will likely be back on Saturday (he's gotta leave and I'm working from home, so makes it easy to post haha)
@Totalanimefan: I think this is the first avi I've done that's entirely Crate/Orb/etc items (oh wait, the miniskirt is a common, and the horns are daily chance), the last one I was wearing was only one CI and the rest were commons xD
We have so many good commons here that I'm trying to mostly build my avis around them, but there are so many gorgeous CIs too
Posted in ୨♡୧ Ana's Wardrobe ୨♡୧ Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Hmm, then I guess I'm spending the next several hours debating which race to be xDDD
I don't care about the traits too much, just the aesthetics, and I kinda hate that I can't mix and match things from different races lolol
@Wildfire: Yeah, maybe I should remove the commons from the thread and just do them in the spreadsheet, way easier to update
And then just do the orb, crate, and event items in the thread - those don't need the specific characters mentioned ^^

There's a link to my quest thread in my signature if you're curious, lol, it's pretty bonkers since I'm trying to catch up on stuff from the beginning of the site being around xDDD
Posted in ୨♡୧ Ana's Wardrobe ୨♡୧ Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: So I learned. Name picked, but now I have to pick a race, and I'm guessing I can't change that later?

@Anarchist Beauty: Oh neat, I may have to go investigate! I love pirates ^^
I ended up being able to fit AlchemistsFire =)
Posted in [B] select summer orb items [S] lots Posted 2 years ago
@wrik: I have a Clamorus & Lovely Lop I would love to trade for a Rock On and Cat Cafe.

I'd also be interested in Roses (event item), Forest Foliage, and a Unique Collared Bra. Please let me know if I need to add Volts or Ohms ^^
@Clementine: Thank you so much!! I'm glad it's not hard to read, I love this colour

@Totalanimefan: Thank you!! I'm just laughing at myself because I bought a bunch of commons and then didn't use any of them to make this xD
And the list keeps growing and growing and growing xD