Booderdooder's posts
Posted in a closed art shop
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in a closed art shop
Posted 5 years ago
@kurri: Oh, duh OTL I'll go back and add the Ohms now lmao

Posted in a closed art shop
Posted 5 years ago
@kurri: No, it's right! I thought your art deserved a little more ♥

Posted in grrrr....
Posted 5 years ago
We've had someone leave their long-hair dog (some kinda shepherd?) in their truck two summers ago,
and I could see the dog was struggling even from the parking lot. Which is extra ridiculous because
we LET DOGS INTO our store. They were just leaving them out there to be cruel. I alerted my boss,
who said to go ahead and call animal control since the guy left the dog for nearly an hour already.
Animal control said if we can't locate the guy (we tried paging through the intercom for him), they would
have to come punch out his window. Sooo thirty minutes later, they did. When the guy rolled up to buy his
stuff and leave, he saw us standing there giving his dog water're in for it now.

Posted in a closed art shop
Posted 5 years ago
@kurri: Thank you! Trade started ♥

Posted in Kai's Kozy Korner
Posted 5 years ago
@kaichoukai: It's been pretty stressful around my job >>;
My college classes are being switched to online courses, but I don't trust my teachers to understand this new program we're using.
We only made the switch from Blackboard to Canvas last semester. I don't think this change is going to go well.
At work, we're having hand sanitizer sent to our store JUST for employees to keep, because people keep buying seventy bottles
at a time. We're constantly sold out of bleach, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper. Some of us have started wearing gloves, even though
it technically isn't allowed because it might offend customers?? Like F you?? I don't trust that everyone washes their hands.
I just hope it blows over soon. Maybe the warmer weather will kill it off.

Posted in Bargain Profiles - Custom Profiles That Hopefully Don't Suck [OPEN!]
Posted 5 years ago
I'm SO excited for this.
Once I have an idea of how I want my profile to look, I'll be back >>

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
Hey Bonnie, hope you're doing okay :c
Did you get to hang out with your friends?

Posted in a closed art shop
Posted 5 years ago
@kurri: Thank you! I'd love to see her in your style!
Would you like me to start a trade?

Posted in a closed art shop
Posted 5 years ago cute... ♥
I would love to buy an art! Would you be comfortable drawing my current avatar?

Posted in A To Booderdoo List:
Posted 5 years ago
I am back! It took me a while to get back home this week between classes and work.
Though with COVID-19, my classes are being switched to "online", so we'll see how that goes.
Work, of course, will make me come in until I die.

Anybody around? What's the state of things where you live?

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I'm gonna try to get a BA. Kind of whatever I can get with illustration.
@Bonnie: It's such a constant state at work that I'm kind of used to it lmao
If I can stick with it, I can get paid mad money just to sit back in an office and occasionally walk around

Posted in how to destroy a friendship in 1 easy step: work with them
Posted 5 years ago
If I had to guess, I'd say you don't feel sad about it because she doesn't sound like she was a very good friend.
You may have only expressed her bad sad, and we're missing the good times you two have had, but her going
ballistic without having enough investment in the friendship to try and salvage it, or at least apologize is very
indicative of what her character might be like. I don't think you're missing out on anything, I think you know it,
and I think she knows it. It sucks to lose a best friend, but it's a natural part of growing yourself.
You shed them when they don't align with the person you become. You've clearly become a harder worker.

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I still have quite a while

I'm in my third semester in community college, and then I have a transfer to a university for two years.
And that's IF I don't end up wanting to go for more than an associates degree (and I probably will).