Booderdooder's posts
Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Not sure! My current place is pretty hush-hush about how much other roles get paid,
and I haven't looked much into grooming since there is only one place to groom at in my area.
I know grooming requires a license, and I'm not sure if I can take the classes for it on top of the community college
classes I am taking now. I'm kind of just coasting on this job while I get through school.

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I have gotten one promotion so far, but only when I was dedicated to moving up.
I'm sure if I really wanted to become a supervisor, they would help me learn how to do it. They're pretty good about
helping people get where they want to be, at least. It's just that I don't really want to be a supervisor, because
it's even MORE work and responsibility that I have to have and there's only so much I can do by myself.
I can deal with dog owners as long as there's a dog. Even a customer at my current job is more tolerable if
they brought their dog with them lmao

Posted in Being underweight is just as mentally damaging as being overweight
Posted 5 years ago
When I was a senior in high school, nineteen years old, I was ninety-six pounds. I was GRIEVOUSLY underweight.
I got sick all of the time, developed hypoglycemia, and fainted if I didn't eat every two hours. I was fainting so often,
I was at risk of brain damage. It took several years to get to a point where I'm a healthy weight, and even longer to be comfortable
with being a healthy weight. Even now, nearly a decade later, I catch myself thinking of starving myself just because I'm a little bloated.
It sucks. There's just as many health problems that come with being underweight as there is with being overweight.
They're different, but they're both still bad and we all have the right to complain about them.

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I don't even make $13 an hour OTL and I work like I'm the manager.
I'm hoping if I stick around long enough, my intense work ethic will help me jump up a few positions.
I'm about the only other person that wants to move up the company ladder and make the big bucks,
so I think I have a pretty good chance for it if I keep showing I'm more capable than the role I'm in.
But also I wanna work with animals so bad. I'd love to be a groomer just so I can spend time with them instead of people.

Posted in What time of day are you mostly active here on Voltra?
Posted 5 years ago
My schedule is so all over the place, there's no telling when I'll be around.
If I work in the morning, I usually poke around Voltra all evening. If I work at night, I'll mess around here
until I have to start getting ready. I'm pretty scarce on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I'm on
campus, and I usually disappear on the weekends because I stay with my boyfriend instead of at home.

Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago
This is gonna be me tomorrow when I go to my classes >>
Especially the first one. There's never anything to do. By the last class, I'll want to slam my head in a wall.

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: We had several people call out, so most of the time it was just me and one other person,
and the other person didn't know how to do anything, so I had to do my job, the job of the supervisor while
they were off doing something less pressing, the job of the people that called out, AND fixing the mistakes
of the other person with me. I was pulling way more than my own weight, and my pay definitely doesn't
reflect the amount of work I do myself and on behalf of everyone else. I was basically running the store alone.
No gratitude, no raise, no pat on the back for doing more than I needed to. I'm just tired of it.
I want to slack off and be useless since I'm being paid too little to make it worth working as hard as I do.
But I can't bring myself to look bad.

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
After how work went today, I'm considering looking for something new too >>;
Hope you get it @Totalanimefan: ! Is it similar to what you are doing now?

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: You could probably start a hangout that's just a fan club lmao
Me and @Bonnie: would be official members.

Posted in Mules
Posted 5 years ago
I currently have one mule. I use it for storage of extra items I already have and the daily airship prizes.
I've never posted with it, and I don't think I ever will. I typically just spam forums with my main and wait for anyone to respond lmao
I'd like to make a third mule for the sake of keeping a name, but I haven't decided on one.
I'd maybe use it for RP, but I'm not too interested in roleplays at the moment.

Posted in bonnie's sweet dreams ~ open c;
Posted 5 years ago
Total's so generous ♥ I hope I'll have enough Volts to throw at people in need someday

Posted in A To Booderdoo List:
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: Oh yeah, the time change threw me off too @-@
I had stayed out late the night before, and when I woke up early to get things done in DC,
I didn't realize I'd only gotten 5 hours of sleep. It explained a lot that day lmao

Posted in What are Some "Dumb" or "Weird" Things you Were Scared of as a Child?
Posted 5 years ago
@sunny: I've never finished it OTL I always tell myself I'll watch it again now that I'm older.
Maybe reading the book would make it less scary? I have no idea. I don't even know where I could watch it anymore.

Posted in Lina's {FREE} Birthday Raffle
Posted 5 years ago
@Lina: Oooh, cleaning sounds like a nice fresh start for a birthday ♥-♥
I'm glad you had fun and it was productive!