Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in What’s Your Fursona?
Posted 6 years ago

@kent: Heheh
I've been working on some oc drawings for the past couple weeks.
I have them sketched out but that's about it.

Posted in What’s Your Fursona?
Posted 6 years ago

@kent: Man...I wish I could draw. I'd totally draw it now.

Posted in What’s Your Fursona?
Posted 6 years ago

@kent: Oooh yeah, that would be really cool!
Maybe I would be a hybrid of both hyenas. Maybe striped legs and spotted torso? Maybe have the large mohawk like a striped hyena?
I duuno. I can't draw fur. But if I could I'd totally draw this.

Posted in Come chat with me~
Posted 6 years ago

Hello Hello everyone. Oof, I'm like...super late to the event I feel like. Ah well.
I have a good excuse, I promise!

Posted in What’s Your Fursona?
Posted 6 years ago

Oof man that is such a good question.
Hmm, my fursona would totally be a hyena.
Not sure if it would be the spotted or the striped one though.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Thank you! It is fun, I really enjoy it. But I'm only doing it once a week for now. Once I get the hang of it again, I'll stick to twice a week which was my regular schedule.
It is so satisfying when you start seeing results. ; u ;
Hahah same! Although right now I am keeping my eyes open for my questing items.
I don't have a quest thread, but I have a list here on my notebook. lol

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Yesterday I was working out for a little over an hour. Oof.
Thank-you! I tried my best. I was going to wait until the commons surge but got impatient. xD

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

Keep forgetting to check up on here.
I'm mega sore right now, but I feel great!
Aside from feeling sore of course.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
"Did you have a good day at school today Mitsukuni?" Mitsukuni's mother asked. The small boy nodded as he set the table with his brother. "Takashi made a friend. She seems nice." Mitsukuni commented with a shrug of his shoulders. "You don't like this friend of Takashi's?" His mother asked. "Well...I don't hate her. I'm trying to be good to her because I don't want Takashi to hate me and I want him to be happy and he really likes her."
The drive to their house was quiet for the most part. When they arrived, Kaoru parked right in front of the house and killed the engine then stepped out. He opened the door for Alice to step out and Hikaru quickly followed after her. Kaoru locked the doors then walked with them to the front door which Hikaru had now opened for them. "Do you need some water?" Hikaru asked Alice.
The drive to their house was quiet for the most part. When they arrived, Kaoru parked right in front of the house and killed the engine then stepped out. He opened the door for Alice to step out and Hikaru quickly followed after her. Kaoru locked the doors then walked with them to the front door which Hikaru had now opened for them. "Do you need some water?" Hikaru asked Alice.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint didn't think they needed anything else. He looked at what they had in the cart and another thought popped into his head. A bed, didn't cats need their own little beds? Although, Nimbus could very well sleep on either one of their beds at night if he wanted to. Well, he'd talk to Maddie about it and see what she thought. Maybe they didn't need the bed, or maybe she would want Nimbus to have a bed of his own.
He started to head out of that aisle and towards the aisle with the toys. That's where Maddie said she would be. He'd be lying to himself if he didn't admit he was worried. He didn't want to have her glued to his side all the time either though. Some space was good for both of them. "I'm sure she's just fine." Clint said to himself.
When he arrived, he noticed Maddie looking around. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, approaching her and gently resting a hand on her shoulder. "You look like you saw a ghost. Were you able to find the toy you were looking for?"
He started to head out of that aisle and towards the aisle with the toys. That's where Maddie said she would be. He'd be lying to himself if he didn't admit he was worried. He didn't want to have her glued to his side all the time either though. Some space was good for both of them. "I'm sure she's just fine." Clint said to himself.
When he arrived, he noticed Maddie looking around. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, approaching her and gently resting a hand on her shoulder. "You look like you saw a ghost. Were you able to find the toy you were looking for?"

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
He worried about her too? What made him worry about her? Maybe he worried she'd get tired of living with a vampire and leave? She didn't know. "I think it's really sweet that you worry about me." She whispered. Kaneko knew he didn't have to worry though. After all, what could possibly happen to her? She knew it was dangerous to go outside and wander too far, especially after dark. Now that she knew a stranger was out and about, she didn't feel like stepping outside at all. Sometimes she would though. The cold breeze was nice, and just watching the snow flutter down from the sky sometimes. It was so pretty. She looked at the tea she had made him and hoped that it was actually helping him.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@alexia: That's what I'll probably do.
Sorry, I didn't get notified for some reason. D:
@kozi: Hey Hey.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@alexia: Yep, and it's the worst thing! D:

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
"Bye Takashi!" Mitsukuni waved goodbye and hopped out of the car. He made sure he grabbed Usa-Chan and hopped away into his house. First thing he did was go up to his room to put his things away, then went to wash his hands and get ready for dinner.
She should have asked for some contact information. No, it was much too soon and she still didn't know them completely. Besides, they probably weren't comfortable getting too close either, and she didn't blame them. "Mia, could you set the table please?" Her mother said to her. "Yes mother." Mia answered, setting her pen down and getting up to set the kitchen table.
This was bad. Hikaru took her hand in his and squeezed gently. "Hey, you're going to be okay. Just remember, were going to our house where you'll be safe." He told her, wondering if that would even help her. Hikaru looked at his brother who was busy driving. "We're almost there." Kaoru said, glancing at them in the rearview mirror. "Alice? Just breathe okay?" Kaoru said, focusing on the road once more. Hikaru frowned and hugged her to his chest, afraid that something was happening and he coudln't help.
She should have asked for some contact information. No, it was much too soon and she still didn't know them completely. Besides, they probably weren't comfortable getting too close either, and she didn't blame them. "Mia, could you set the table please?" Her mother said to her. "Yes mother." Mia answered, setting her pen down and getting up to set the kitchen table.
This was bad. Hikaru took her hand in his and squeezed gently. "Hey, you're going to be okay. Just remember, were going to our house where you'll be safe." He told her, wondering if that would even help her. Hikaru looked at his brother who was busy driving. "We're almost there." Kaoru said, glancing at them in the rearview mirror. "Alice? Just breathe okay?" Kaoru said, focusing on the road once more. Hikaru frowned and hugged her to his chest, afraid that something was happening and he coudln't help.